Chapter 7

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Disclaimer- anything said about Alyssa in this chapter is not true so do not believe she is like this it is just for the story.

Reneé's POV

I walked out of our bedroom and into the kitchen to meet my girlfriend.

We had been dating for a few months and other than a few fights here and there I was really enjoying having her around. She moved in with me 2 weeks ago and it has been nice not being alone all the time.

" Whats up? " I ask tying my hair up as I walked over to her.

" I was just wondering if you were awake" She said with a smile and she wrapped her arms around my waist and lent down to kiss me.

I smiled at her when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I ignored it but Alyssa seemed to want to know.

" What was that? " She asked with a raised eyebrow. " I don't know it could be anything i'm famous I get notifications every five seconds. " She didn't seem to take the excuse, I mean it was a bad one since anyone could guess that I have certain apps silenced but it also didn't matter what it was right?

I felt her reach down and grab my phone out of my pocket and check it before I could even say a word.

" Y/n?  Who tf is this chick? " She said and looked at me.


I forgot that It could have been her texting me.  I don't know why it mattered though I mean i'm allowed to have my own friends.

" Shes just a friend Alyssa " I said with a smile and when to grab my phone back.

" No, you're hiding something from me. " She responded taking a step back and typing what i'm guessing was my password into my phone

" What do you mean?! " I said my voice a bit louder than I had expected it to be, " Why do I automatically have to be up to something if i'm texting someone who's not you. I met her on my flight back here, shes my friend. Now give me my phone back please. " I said angrily holding my hand out for her to give me it back.

She put it in my hand and gave a bitchy look, she turned to go away and I heard her mumbling something as she walked off.

" Fucking slut.. "

My eyes widened and I just stared at the back of her head as she walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Why was this my fault shes in the wrong here Y/n is just my friend.

I flinched as she slammed the door shut. I hated when we fought and it always seemed to be over the stupidest shit. Stupid shit that never would have crossed my mind but seemed to bother her.

I shook my head as I felt tears start to build up in my eyes. I needed to get some air, I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house, got in my car and drove off. I didn't know where I was going but anywhere was better than that apartment.

I drove for what felt like forever before pulling into a coffee shop on the side of the road. I went in and ordered a basic black coffee and sat down at a table taking out my phone.

I should probably look at the message that caused all of this.


Im out of the shower now

I smiled at the message, it was actually making me laugh how something so dumb caused Alyssa to get so mad.

I picked up my phone and hit the call button. We had never called before just a few texts throughout the day but right now I needed someone to talk to. I put my phone up my ear and waited as it rang.

I was about to hang up when I heard a voice on the other end. " Hello? " Her voice was soft and quiet, I hadn't really paid much attention to it on the plane but now it was the only thing I could hear and I wasn't complaining.

" Hey Y/n " I responded my voice a bit shaky from crying in my car. " Reneé ? are you okay is something wrong? " She sounded worried, probably after hearing the shake in my voice.

" Yeah I'm fine I just needed to talk to someone.. do you think you could meet me somewhere?"

Y/n's POV

My smile faded when I heard Reneé's voice, she sounded so upset. I quickly asked her where she was and told her I would be there in 15 minutes.

After and few days of texting we realised we didn't live that far apart only about a 10 - 15 minute drive but I had never actually had the guts to ask her to come over.

I put my shoes on and walked out of my house and got in my car and drove to the café she told me to meet her at. As I pulled up on walked to the door and I saw her through the window.

Her hair was messily tied up into a bun and she was sitting cross legged on the chair. I smiled and walked in the door and bell ringing as it opened.

She turned around and smiled at me pulling the chair put beside her obviously wanting me to sit down. I sat in the chair and looked at her.

" Whats wrong? you look like you've been crying." I asked her eyes were dark from her mascara being smudged a little but she still managed to pull it off.

" Im fine, My girlfriend just got mad when she saw your message asked me who you were and why she didn't know about you. "

She went on about how she got really mad and called her a slut and I felt so bad for her but I couldn't get that word out of my head


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