Chapter 14

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Reneé's POV

We stumbled up the stairs not being able to take our hands off of each other.

As we went into the room the positions were flipped and I was against the door and she immediately started to kiss me.

I heard a click in the door as she locked it behind me before putting her hands on my waist and up my shirt slightly her cold hands making me gasp a little. She took the opportunity to slip her tongue in and start to explore my mouth making me moan quietly.

I felt her move from my mouth to my jaw line to my neck, groaning as I felt her biting into my skin slightly before running her tongue across it. That was going to leave a mark in the morning.

I didn't care

My body felt electric, like it was on fire the need for her growing more and more by the second.

Suddenly I felt her hands wrap around the back of my thighs and I felt myself get lifted up making me gasp.

She dropped me down onto her bed and crawled on top of me.

" You're so fucking gorgeous Reneé " She mumbled into my neck the vibrations going down my body.

Her hands went up my shirt slightly before she pulled her head up and looked at me " Is this okay " She asked, her whole tone changing from seductive to meaningful.

" Fuck yes " I whispered, she said no more before pulling the top over my head leaving me in just a bra and jeans but the jeans were soon gone to.

I was now sitting on her bed in just my underwear and I was not complaining.

She climbed onto of me and started to kiss down my neck before going lower down to my collar bone and the top of my breasts.

My breath was shaky as I spoke. " Please Y/n "

" What do you want baby" She responded her voice low.

" You"

She took no time in kissing down my stomach and making her way to my thighs. I moaned as she kissed my inner thigh getting closer to where I needed her.

She looked up at me and I nodded before she took off my underwear. I gasped lightly as the cold air hit me " Your so beautiful " She said as She admired my body making me blush a bit.  My mouth was soon captured in a kiss once again.

I moaned out as she dragged her fingers up my slit before sinking two of them inside of me.

" Oh fuck Y/n " I moaned wrapping my arms around her neck and arching my back against her.

She pumped in and out of me curling her fingers in just the right areas making me see stars. This was everything I had wanted. Ever since the first time I saw her on the plane. I knew I wanted her.

her head moved down leaving short kisses on my stomach before getting to my centre. She licked a line up, her fingers still pumping in and out of me.

I moan out loudly the pleasure getting more intense and she kept going. I felt a knot in my stomach begin to build up.

" Y/n I'm close don't stop please " I whined,  running my hands through her hair and gripping onto it.

I felt her smile against me as she picked up her pace.

I felt her tongue slip into me and that pushed me over the edge. My head rolling back into the pillow. My vision going black as I moaned out.

" Fuck, Y/n Omg "

I shouted the pleased ripping through me making my legs shake and close on her head.

She cleaned me up with her tongue before smirking as she came back up to kiss me again. I could taste myself of her lips.

She smiled at me before speaking. " Are you okay? " She asked sweetly, God I loved this girl She just made me feel better than I ever had and then made me fall even more in-love with her in the span of 2 minutes.

" Im amazing " I laughed " That was amazing, you're amazing " I said looking at her breathing heavily. She smiled taking a deep breath " I know this might not be the most amazing time but Reneé ever since the day I saw you I knew you were different. Your so talented and sweet and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen"

I felt my eyes begin to water as I listened to her speak.

" And I don't think there anyone else like you out there. " She took a deep breath again before continuing " So Reneé will you be my girlfriend? " She asked with a stupid smile on her face.

" Yes omg 1 million times yes" I said wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her. I heard her laugh before picking me up again and taking me to the bathroom so I could take a bath.

She filled up the bath for me and I sat in it relaxing into the warm water. She put soap into her hands and massaged it into my scalp.

After the bath we changed into pyjamas and crawled into bed. She lifted her arm up and let me cuddle up against her resting my head in the crook of her neck.

I felt my eyes get heavy and I just let them close. She made me feel so safe.

The last thing I heard was her speak

" Sweet dreams darling "

947 words

sorry this chapter is a bit shorter ive also never written smut before so sorry if its kinda shit😅

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