Chapter 3

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Y/n'a POV

I stand up to go to the bathroom while I'm eating but as I stand up I feel something bump into my back.

" What the fuck?! " I say in a confused tone and I feel like the back of my tank top is wet.

I turn around and see glass and liquid all over the floor, which I'm guessing was our champagne. I look at Reneé who is sitting, there just watching everything happen.

The man starts to apologise to me over and over again, I tell him it's fine and that I'm just going to clean myself up, I turn around and walk to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me, before taking off my tank top so I can see how bad it is.

I look down at my shirt snd see that there are some red blotches on it, which confuses me since the champagne was white. I turn around and look at my back through the mirror, I see a few cuts, obviously from the glass.

" Shit. " I mumble. I tried to clean the cuts but I couldn't reach them on my back, I was ready to give up when I heard a knock on the door,

" Are you okay in there? Its your seat mate."

I think for a second before opening the door. I still had a bra on but I covered up my stomach with my arms.

" Woah , are you okay? " She asked me as she stepped inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

" Yeah I'm fine, there's just a few cuts I can't reach. " I said, quietly the heat rising to my face from embarrassment.

She smiled sweetly at me before speaking, " turn around. " I did as she said and turned around.

She took some paper towel and wet it in the sink before dabbing it onto the cuts.

I winced at the feeling, they didn't hurt that bad but the water made it a bit worse.

" I'm sorry," she said, " there that should be okay. " She smiled and I turned around to face her. " Thank you. " I whispered.

I bent down to pick my tank top back up but when I did, it was still wet had a few holes in it from the glass breaking.

Reneé looked at me before unzipping her jacket and taking it off, " here, take this so you don't have to wear that. " She said handing it to me. I took it from her and smiled. " Thank you. " I said and zipped it up.

She looked at me putting on her jacket " Looks good on you." She said, smiling. I blushed at the compliment looking back at her.

" What's your name?  " I heard her ask me.

" Y/n " I responded. I asked her the same question even though I knew full well who she was. Who wouldn't?

" Reneé. " She said sticking out her hand for me to shake it. I shook her hand and smiled at her.

" This is so awkward. " I thought. I was standing in a bathroom stall of a plane with Reneé Rapp. What. The. Fuck.

" I can go, if this is awkward.. " I heard her, say looking at me. Did she just read my mind?

" No, its fine, I mean we should both probably go we are holding up the bathroom.. " I said
nervously, looking at the door.

" Oh, yeah right, we should " She said before pushing the door open and walking out holding it open for me.

" Thank you." I said while walking back to my seat. I sat down and sighed as she sat down beside me.

Could this go any worse?

619 words

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