Chapter 4

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Reneé's POV

I sat back down in my seat and looked at the girl beside me.  Y/n.  She looked stressed, I felt bad for her this probably wasn't the best start to a nine hour flight.

I watched as she put some headphones on and played music off her phone. I swear I saw my face on her home screen but I brushed it off not the first time I sat beside a fan somewhere.

I was about to do the same when I heard a bing indicating that the captain was about to speak.

" Sorry to interrupt lady's and gentlemen, but we will be experiencing some turbulence in the next few minutes and it would be appreciated if you could put your seatbelts on,Thank you. " Then there was another bing to indicate that the messages was over.

I pulled my seatbelt over my lap and plugged it in before I realised y/n wasn't moving. She hadn't heard the message through her headphones.

I looked at her and called her name. " Y/n. " No response. " Y/n " I said it a little bit louder this time but she still didn't hear me.

I lent over my chair and tapped her phone to stop the music she was playing.

I Wish - Reneé Rapp

Shes got good taste I thought to myself smiling. She looked up at me confused and took her headphones off and placed them around her neck. She looked good.

" Whats wrong? " She asked me her voice quiet. " The captain said theres going to be turbulence you need to put your seatbelt on. " I told her, her eyes widened a bit and she looked sort of scared. " Oh thank you. " She said, and reached over and pulled her seat belt across her lap.

I sat back in my seat and pulled out a journal where I wrote ideas for songs and other things. I was going to write something until everything started shaking.

" They weren't lying " I mumbled placing it back down under my seat. I had to go on planes all the time on tour so turbulence didn't bother me. I looked over at the girl beside me and saw she had her eyes closed and was holding onto the seat.

I smiled softly before saying something. " Hey are you okay? " She looked at me, " yeah I'm fine, just don't like turbulence or planes really. " I looked down at her hand for a second before taking it in mine " you'll be fine trust me I go on planes all the time and I haven't died, yet "

Y/n's POV

My face went red and she grabbed my hand, I wouldn't be surprised if she could tell i was sweating but I'm going to blame that on the fact I am scared.

I look at her as she tells me this happens all the time and how she hasn't died, yet.

" Real comforting " I say sarcastically and grab her hand tighter as the shaking got worse. Part of me forgot who she was.

" Hey, I'm trying here, cut me some slack." She responds with a smile.  I sigh and look at her. " Okay, okay, whatever "

After a few minutes the shaking dies down and everyone goes back to normal taking off their seatbelts, some standing up to go to that bathroom.

I look around until I hear her talking to me again. " Can I have my hand back? " She asks with a stupid smile. I roll my eyes at her and let go of her hand picking up my phone to check the time 2: 40pm only 3 more hours.

" You have a nice music taste " I hear her say beside me. I raise my eyebrow confused. " What are you on about " I ask her.  She leans over me, tapping my phone making the screen turn on showing the song I was listening to.

My eyes widen and I look at her. I didn't really want her to know I was a fan, I didn't want to just be like everyone else. " Oh yeah, you know it's not even that good " I say sarcastically. " just this random girl " I smile looking at her.

" Is this random girls music good? " She responds, " hmm shes alright " I shrug my shoulders. " You're an ass " She says laughing, " how come you didn't say you knew who I was?"

" Umm,  1. I didn't want to seem like some crazy fan, and 2.  You're on a plane thats like 9 hours, If I was you the last thing I would want is someone going crazy over me all flight. "

She laughed and looked down at her seat. " Yeah that's probably true, anyway what brings you on this flight? " she asked

I look down thinking for a second before responding " Well, I was visiting my family for Christmas. I was going to fly back in economy but my uncle decided to upgrade my ticket so now I'm here " I said looking at her, her blue eyes were locked on me listening to everything I was saying.

" Gotta love your uncle " She said leaning back in her seat. I laughed and looked down.

" Yeah you do "

864 words

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now