Chapter 12

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Renee's POV

I woke up slowly as the light shown into the room from the curtains. I slowly opened my eyes and groaned, looking around. My breath hitched as I remembered where I was.

In Y/n's Room, In her bed, with her in it too.

I looked over at her. My head was resting in the crook of her neck and my arm was draped over her stomach, her legs intertwined with mine.

All the memories from the previous night came rushing back into my brain.

Watching as she got up out of the booth, following her into the bathroom, the feeling of her lips against mine making my stomach do flips. I felt my face go red as I thought about it all. I really thought it was over for us but now I'm here, in her bed. I don't quite know where we stand but I'm happy just knowing we are okay.

I slowly sat up, shivering at the loss of warmth from her body against mine. I got out of the bed and stood up rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms out. I turned around and looked at her sleeping. I smiled at her, she looked so peaceful.

I quickly looked away before it got weird, just watching her sleep.. I took in the scenery of her room. It looked a lot different than it did in the dark last night. She has a few posters on her walls, led lights going around the rim of the ceiling. She had her queen sized bed placed in the centre of her room with her bed side table beside it and a desk in the corner of the room.( you can imagine this as your room if you want )

I walked over to her door and went to open it when I released it was locked the door making a loud noise as it hit against the frame.

" Shit "  I mumbled hoping it didn't wake her up but that was inevitable.

I hear her groan and I turn around and look at her with an apologetic smile.

" Sorry.. " I whisper, as I see her look up at me the sun hitting her face making it light up in all the right places.

She smiled at me with tired eyes and sat up at little bit. " Where you going?" she asked,with a slight rasp in her tone making me go insane.

" To pee.." I said slowly, She laughed it echoing around the room making me head spin. God I might be really falling for her. It terrifies me.

She got up out of the bed and walked over to me unlocking the door and opening it.

" There, you're free " She said with a smile. I smiled back and walked out of her room and into the bathroom.

As I was washing my hands I heard someone talking on the other side of the door. I turned off the tap and went to open the door but the conversation happening on the other side of the door stopped me.

" Alice stop it I don't care that she's famous...No.. no Alice she wont hurt me shes not like that. Just give her a chance please.. for me, I really like her. "

I heard her sigh and then walk back into her room and close the door. Who was Alice? And why were they talking about me? Why did she think I would hurt Y/n? I had so many questions.

I opened the door and walked down the hall, into the room and saw Y/n sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling through her phone.

She looked up at me and smiled, patting the spot on the bed beside her indicating for me to sit down beside her.

I obliged and walked over sitting down beside her looking into her phone to see what she was scrolling on.

We sat there together talking slightly about what she was watching but I wasn't really listening the call still running threw my head.

Especially what she said at the end.

" I really like her "

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I didn't know how she meant it. I didn't know how I felt about things. I knew I liked her, she was funny, sarcastic, and frankly the most beautiful woman id ever seen.

after overthinking it for about 5 minutes I turned to her to ask her. " Hey, uhm Y/n can I ask you something? " She turned to me with a confused look on her face. " Yeah whats up? " She said, putting her phone down beside her and turning her full attention to me.

" I overheard you on the phone with someone when I was in the bathroom.. " I paused realising how bad this sounded " And I didn't mean to listen but I couldn't help but overhear part of the conversation. "

She didn't say anything for a few seconds before her mouth started to quiver and she burst out laughing.

I sat there confused staring at her as she tried to get her words out through her laughs.

" Renee. I - Omg I cant right now. Thats Alice. My best friend and shes just making sure I'm okay. " She said smiling at me sweetly her laughter dying down.

I thought about it for a seconds before speaking again " Why did she think Im going to hurt you.. " I said quietly looking down at my hands and fidgeting with my rings.

She smiled at me and took my hands in hers " The last relationship wasn't the best one you could have" She said  " She was there for me when I had to pick myself back up again. " She paused looking at me " I know you would never hurt me Reneé, but she is just making sure. "

I smiled back at her accepting that answer, part of me wanted to know more about this past relationship of here but I didn't want to push it.

She stood up checking the time.


"Jesus we slept in" She laughed and then looked at me.

" Come on I'll make it up to you " She said grabbing my hands and pulling me off of the bed. I raised my eyebrow " And how are you going to do that" I questioned her.

" We're going out tonight. "

1146 words

Im so sorry this chapter took me so long to get out and still isn't that great of a chapter. I was busy a-lot with school and then I'll be honest i lost motivation and ideas but I'm back. Also if you have any suggestions of where this story could go to make it better id love to hear them. And finally thank you all so much this story is almost on 5000 reads and it means a-lot I didn't think it would go anywhere so thank you 🩷

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now