Chapter 10

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Three weeks had passed since Y/N arrived in the maze, and she had settled into the rhythm of glade life. Her initial confusion and fear had given way to a semblance of routine, and she found a sense of belonging among the builders. Y/N had quickly adapted to their tasks and rhythms. Her hut, meticulously constructed by the builders, became her sanctuary after a week, a place of solace away from the discomforting atmosphere that lingered around Gally. Moving out of his hut had brought a sense of relief, though the tension between them remained palpable.

The rift between her and Gally had only widened since their heated argument, leaving Y/N baffled and hurt by his evident dislike for her. His disdain seemed to intensify with each passing day and try as she might, Y/N couldn't fathom the reason behind his animosity, leaving her to stew in a stew of confusion and resentment.

Amidst the chaos of the glade, Y/N found solace in the company of Newt and Minho, who had become her closest friends. They shared laughter, stories, and moments of respite, but even their friendship couldn't dispel the sense of loneliness that had started to plague her.

Feeling isolated and trapped as the only girl in the glade, Y/N longed for freedom, a yearning that gnawed at her soul with each passing day. The sense of being incomplete, as if a part of her essence was missing, weighed heavily on her, exacerbating her feelings of despair.

Y/N's nights continued to be plagued by memories she couldn't fully grasp, leaving her feeling fragmented and lost. The more she tried to understand her past, the more elusive it seemed, like trying to grasp at smoke slipping through her fingers. The nightmares persisted, haunting her with fragments of memories from a time before the maze. The images were blurry, faces and places undefined, yet the emotions attached to them were palpable. Each morning, she woke with a heavy heart, longing for freedom from the confines of the glade.

In her conversations with Newt and Minho, Y/N tried to articulate the void she felt within, the missing piece that eluded her understanding. However, they were unable to comprehend her struggles, offering well-intentioned but ultimately hollow reassurances. For Newt and Minho, life in the glade was an adventure, a challenge they embraced, while Y/N yearned for something more, something beyond the maze.

Alone in her struggle, Y/N began to spiral into depression, her sense of hopelessness consuming her from within. She found herself caught between the echoes of a past she couldn't remember and the overwhelming present that left her feeling adrift and alone. Each day became a battle to simply endure, to find some semblance of meaning in a world that felt increasingly devoid of purpose. The glade, once a place of refuge, now felt suffocating. And as the shadows of despair closed in around her, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging feeling that a part of her, some essential piece of herself, remained out of reach.

One evening, as the sky darkened and the familiar veil of night descended over the glade, Y/N found herself plagued by another restless nightmare. The echoes of her troubled dreams lingered in her mind, leaving her feeling disoriented and alone. Unable to find solace within the confines of her hut, Y/N wandered aimlessly through the glade, her footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night.

Driven by an inexplicable impulse, Y/N made her way to the watchtower, drawn to the solitude and the expanse of the night sky above. Climbing the wooden steps with a heavy heart, she settled herself atop the watchtower, her gaze fixed upon the twinkling stars scattered across the vast canvas of the night.

Lost in her thoughts and the melancholy of the night, Y/N was startled by the sound of approaching footsteps. Turning her head, she watched as Gally ascended the watchtower, his presence a surprise in the silent night. His countenance bore the remnants of turmoil, his features etched with a weariness that mirrored her own.

As Gally reached the platform, his eyes met Y/N's, and she noticed a flicker of recognition amidst the shadows of his gaze. Before she could utter a word, however, Gally's demeanor shifted abruptly. Annoyance flickered across his features as his gaze fell upon Y/N, his frustration palpable in the tension that hung between them. He scoffed in annoyance, a reflexive reaction to her presence, before turning on his heel, his intent clear as he began to descend the tower once more.

But before he could make his move, Y/N's voice cut through the silence. "You can stay, Gally," she said softly, her tone surprisingly gentle.

Gally's response was swift as he shook his head, his irritation evident. "No, I'll pass," he grumbled, already starting to climb back down.

Feeling a pang of empathy for him, Y/N stood up, her voice gentle yet firm. "You don't have to leave on my account, Gally. You need time to think too," she said, her tone understanding.

Gally paused, considering her words for a moment before nodding in agreement. With a resigned sigh, he climbed back up to the platform, settling himself beside Y/N, though still maintaining a cautious distance.

Offering him a genuine smile, Y/N silently acknowledged his presence before deciding to give him some space. "I'll leave you to it then," she said softly, as she made her way back down the ladder.

The following evening found Y/N once again in the watchtower, the weight of another restless night bearing down on her. This time, however, she had come prepared, wrapping herself in a blanket as she gazed up at the twinkling stars above.

The night air was cool against her skin, the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze a comforting backdrop to her thoughts. Despite the darkness that enveloped her, the stars above seemed to offer a glimmer of solace, their steady presence a reminder of the vastness of the world beyond the confines of the glade.

Meanwhile, Gally tossed and turned in his bed, unable to find respite in slumber. Frustrated by his restless state, he eventually decided to seek refuge in the watchtower, hoping the solitude would quell the storm raging within his mind.

As Gally ascended the watchtower, his irritation only intensified upon discovering Y/N's presence yet again. "You're here again?" he grumbled, his annoyance palpable in his tone.

Y/N chuckled softly, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes as she replied, "Looks like we need to establish a schedule for the watchtower."

Gally's brows furrowed in contemplation at her suggestion, realizing the practicality of her words. "Hmm, perhaps you're right," he conceded begrudgingly.

With a small smile, Y/N rose from her perch, preparing to depart once more. Before she left, however, she extended the blanket towards Gally. "Here, you might need this," she offered, her gesture a silent acknowledgment of their shared vigil.

Gally hesitated for a moment before accepting the blanket, a flicker of gratitude crossing his features. "Thanks," he murmured, his tone softened by the unexpected act of generosity. Draping the blanket over his shoulders, he watched silently as Y/N descended the watchtower and made her way back to her hut. In the quiet of the night, a tentative truce seemed to bloom between them, forged amidst the twinkling stars and the gentle rustle of the breeze.

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