Chapter 30

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As Y/N approached the cluster of gladers near the pits, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. Clint and Jeff's thorough examination had assured her that, physically at least, she was unscathed. But the emotional toll of the attack still lingered, gnawing at her with each passing moment.

Spotting Newt engaged in conversation with Alby and Gally, Y/N quickened her pace, her heart buoyed by the familiar faces of her comrades. As she drew near, Gally intercepted her, enfolding her in a protective embrace and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Are you alright?" Gally's concern was palpable, his arms a comforting anchor as he held her close.

Y/N leaned into Gally's embrace, finding solace in his presence. "I'm fine," she murmured, her voice soft but steady. "Just a bit shaken up."

Gally nodded, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer as he silently assessed her for any signs of lingering distress.

Meanwhile, Newt turned towards Y/N, his expression a mixture of relief and concern. "Hey, Y/N," he greeted her, his voice tinged with empathy. "I'm glad to see you're alright."

Y/N managed a small smile in return, grateful for Newt's support. "Thanks, Newt," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude. "But I was wondering, have you seen Eleanor?"

At the mention of Eleanor's name, Gally's expression softened, his concern shifting to the young girl who had quickly become a part of their makeshift family. He glanced at Newt, silently deferring to him for an answer.

Newt's brow furrowed in concern. "I left her with Minho near the gardens when all that happened with Kyle," he replied, his tone laced with apprehension.

"Thank you," Y/N breathed, her gratitude evident as she turned to leave. "I'll go find her."

As Y/N started to walk away, Gally fell into step beside her, his presence a reassuring anchor amidst the turmoil. Gally's arm wrapped securely around Y/N's waist, drawing her close as they navigated the familiar pathways of the glade.

Gally's voice, a low murmur against the backdrop of chirping birds and rustling leaves, broke the silence. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I should've been there to protect you from Kyle."

Y/N turned to look at him, a gentle smile playing at the corners of her lips despite the bruises that adorned her throat. "Hey, don't apologise," she replied softly, her eyes meeting his with unwavering sincerity. "You saved me, Gally. Again. That's all that matters."

Gally's lips curved into a rueful smile at her words, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. "Well, I guess I have a knack for being your hero," he quipped, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as they continued their stroll.

Y/N returned his smile, her heart swelling with warmth at his words. "Seems like it," she replied, her tone infused with playful affection as they continued their journey towards the gardens.

As they walked, the sun cast dappled shadows across the glade. The sound of laughter reached their ears, drawing their attention towards a nearby cluster of trees.

"There they are," Gally remarked, a fond smile gracing his lips as he pointed towards the figures frolicking amidst the foliage.

Y/N followed his gaze, her own smile widening as she spotted Minho and Eleanor perched among the branches like mischievous sprites. "Looks like they've found their own little hideaway," she observed, her tone affectionate.

Y/N grinned as they approached, shading her eyes against the sunlight as she called out, "Hey there, you two monkeys! What are you doing up there?"

Minho grinned mischievously, his fingers deftly navigating the branches as he replied, "Just practicing our climbing skills. Eleanor wanted to see if she could reach the highest branch."

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