part-9(back to home)

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Kk: u did not talk anything n cut the call ..

Teja: oh ha dad was asking the question n answering it himself ...

Kk: hm..

Teja: go n change n come till then I will prepare dinner

Kk: but can I help..

Teja:  no no go n get fresh n dinner will be ready in 15 min
Kk: are u sure..

Teja:  yup ...

Kk then went up n teja went towards kitchen n started making dinner..

N as the dinner was cooking she was lost I some thoughts..

Teja to herself:  my life is so changed... I m out of the town with an unknown person who will be my husband in few days...n I ...I talked so rudely to paras sir... n baba...I miss my old family... God why is it happening..

Tear fall from her eyes...

Teja wipe it

Teja again to herself:  Karan is very sweet but his eyes has some pain shows he has suffered a lot but what...oh God...

N there kk..

He went in room n he was Lost in his thoughts..

Kk: what's happening...I m having a responsibility of a girl who is unknown to me but that girl is very innocent n she is hiding something... I want to know her very well past is somewhere stopping me... but I will overcome n give a try...

Soon both where sitting on dinning table n were eating dinner  ...

Kk: teja at 1 we will leave for  airport..


Kk: teja u made very delicious food..

Teja:  thank u but it's just dal n rice  ..

Teja: Karan...

Kk: ha..

Teja : congratulations Karan I m very happy for u ...

Kk: thank u teja ..n thank u for praying too .

Soon they finished having there dinner n teja got up n then she went n changed her Dress n woke a cute long top n lose pants..

Kk: let's go now as it's 11 I want to take u somewhere..

Teja: okk..

Kk then went brought his bag n as he turned n saw towards steps... he saw teja is having luggage in her hand n she is about to fall..

Kk: tejjaa..

Teja got scared as he shouted on her..

Kk: y r u bringing it... u would have hurted urself.

Teja: I m sorry....I thought y to trouble u ....

Kk: teja its not trouble n say me one thing if u would got hurt then it would have hurt me na... so..

Teja: hm...

Kk : now let's go ...

Soon they left the house... n kk took her towards a small shop...

Kk: kaka....

Kaka: Karan Bata..  how r u after so many years...

Kk: kaka I m fine ... kaka meet her she is my fiance.. I had promised u Right that if I m getting married to anyone I will make u meet her so here she is...n teja he is kaka when I was struggling in Delhi na he was the one who use to provide me home made food n he have explained me many things in life...

Kaka: Bata come here...

Teja went towards him.. he kept hand on her head..

Kaka: always be happy... this guy u r getting married na he is very soft from inside he might be rude n angry young man but from inside he is a small kid...

Teja just Gave him smile..

Kk: kaka give food na we have flight to catch..

Kaka: ha ha I m Bring...

Kaka brought food n kk was seeing the food as he just want to grab  n start eating..

Soon they had n teja loved the food

N then both left for airport it was getting very late as they reached n border ... it was there time for them to fly n soon they reached Mumbai...

Kk's drive was waiting for them n then kk dropped teja n Waited till she reached inside n teja went inside n went towards her room n from window she saw kk still waiting...

When kk felt someone is seeing him he saw up towards the window n saw teja seeing him..

Kk then left n both where very tired so they both slept..

Next morning...

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