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Next day kk got up first n saw teju sleeping hiding herself into him..

Kk: she is sooo cute my baccha..

Kk : baby walk up..

Teju: 5 minutes yuvi..

Kk: oh hello I m not ur sister I m ur Mr....

Teju realized it n opened her eyes..

Teju: oops sorry... n good morning little..

Kk: good morning n from which angle do  I look u little like are u serious..

Teju: u r little... see now also behaving like kid..

Kk: now come on get up ..n  today I will have to go to office..there is a issue I will come as soon  as possible ok.

Teju:  hm ok..

Teju then got up... she was upset that kk has to go But she can't do anything

She got ready n then kk went to take bath she was wearing saree n was fully ready... n was waiting for kk to come out..

As soon as kk came he saw her waiting ..

Kk: what happened..

Teju: Karan if u don't have any problem can I read ur books As I still didn't bring few things from my home..

Kk: teju this is ur home n everything belongs to u too.. so don't ask n still I have not shown u this floor come let me show u where what it is..

Kk show her each n everything n she was lost in library..

Soon both came down ... kk went towards omi to talk..

Omi was outside in the garden n was talking to someone on call..

As omi saw kk he cut the call..

Omi:  hello Mr new husband..

Kk: hello Mr old husband..

Both laughed..

Kk: bhai..

Omi: hm..

Kk: bhai please we both will go for 10 days not more Because there are few things to be done na ... n u know what once everything gets on point we both can travel again... please..

Omi: hm u can go for 15 days not less then this..

Kk: please..

Omi: go talk to ur bhabhi..

Kk: ok ok 15 days ...

Omi: great then n day  tomorrow night u have flight be ready..


N near teju she went towards kitchen n saw adaa making Breakfast..

Teju: good morning bhabhi..

Adaa: very good morning teju.....

Teju: what are u making say me too I will also help..

Adaa: no no I will do it u go sit .

Teju : no bhabhi say na please..

Adaa: ok u make aloo paratha...n till then I make lunch n pack for everyone..

Teju started making paratha n then both adaa n teja completed making Breakfast n lunch... n helpers set the table

Everyone came down n teju serve everyone..

Kd: teju sit..  n no need to serve anyone... all has there hands they can serve for themselves...never do it again...

Teju sat next to kk...

Kk was eating paratha like he got his favorite dish...

Kk: wow who made this paratha... this is awesome I just fell like to kiss the hand of the person who made this...

Adaa:  then who is stopping u sunnyyy... she is next to u kiss her hand..

Kk who got confused n looked towards left side where prince was sitting.

Kk: ahh bhabhi my days are not so bad that I will kiss his hand ...

Prince:  oh hello.... even my days are not that bad ... n bhabhi mean ur wife .... teju bhabhi made the paratha...

Kk: ohhh...

Kk holds tejus hand n kissed in front of everyone...

Teju was blushing like hell...

Km: sunny u are going to office ... but before going u have to go with teju n drop her to her home for pagphera...

Kk saw towards teju she was just looking normal but he know she is nervous ...

He kept his one hand on her knees n just kept it...

Teju who was nervous for going home n kk's this act made her calm down...

Kk: teju go get ready ...wait I m also coming I forgot my laptop in room..

Prince: but bhai it's on table only see..

Kk:hm that hm I meant file ...

Kk didn't stop n went n teju went back of him

As soon as kk entered the room n back of him teju... kk hugged her tightly..

Kk: u r fine..


Kk: wait a sec I have a gift for u...

Kk went towards his side of bed n got a box..

He came near teju..

Kk: this is for u..

Teju: what Is this..

Kk: open...

Teju opened the gift package n there was a brand new mobile..

Teju: but Karan y this..  I mean I have na..

Kk: teja before our marriage u told that Karan the day we get married u have all the right to give me anything... I wanted to give u that time only but ur words stop me ... I have put a Sim  n u can even out the old Sim too ... .. n I have saved my number... n there just be with yuvika I will come in 2 hours to pick u then we will go for long drive ok..

Teja: Karan hm can I get my books .. if u ..

Kk: oye this is ur room n infact we both will arrange the books in library... if needed we will bring more.. now come let's go..

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