part-101(teju slapped arjun)

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After listening to kk ...teju got up n took her phone...

Kk: teju what are u doing..

Teju: sunny just 5 min...

Teju dialed Arjun's number..n kept on speaker...

Arjun:  hello ...

Teju  :arjun I m sending u address come there in 15 minutes..

Arjun:  what happened teju everything fine... did ur stupid husband did something to u...

Teju: arjun u just came

Teju cut the call n send him address...n then she closed her eyes n was trying to control her anger...

Kk: baby relax...... shh..

Teju opened her eyes n saw towards kk n she without thinking anything moved closer to kk n started kissing him...

Kk to respond back n both were showing there love in the kiss... soon teju break the kiss n hugged kk..

They stayed that way for 5 min...

Then teju breaked the hug...

Teju:  sunny whats wrong with yuvi .... something happened to her...

Kk: hm she is angry on me because I didn't understand u ... n even prince n she had an argument....

Teju: oh how to stop her she is going  ..

Kk: don't worry I have messaged prince he will look after yuvi...

Then they were talking something when there was a door knock...

Kk opened n there was a house helper..

House helper: sir there is someone who came to meet mam..

Kk: oh OK... take him to my study room we are Coming...

House helper: ok sir..

Kk then moved in ..

Kk: teju come let's go ur arjun bhai is here...

Teju: sunnnyy... u r really bad yar he is my lover n u r Making him my brother oh God...

Kk moved towards teju n hold her from shoulder..

Kk:he is ur brother n ur lover best friend partner husband everything ...that only one man that's me understood..

Teju:  hm...

Then they both moved towards study room

As they entered they saw arjun was sitting there...

Arjun:  teju..

Arjun got up n moved towards teju n started touching her face ..

Arjun:  teju u r fine  ..  did this stupid do something...

Kk was about to hold his hand which was on her face but teju herself held his hand...

Teju:  how dare u called my husband stupid...

Arjun:  yar teju do not act in front of me I know this relationship of your with him is fake... just divorce him...u will be very happy...I will always be with u...

Teju:  Mr Arjun... shut up... not a word for my husband...

Arjun:  oh lol for him u r talking with me this way... yar he is very useless.

As arjun told this he got a slap on his face..

Arjun:  tejuuuu.

Teju:  I told u arjun..don't dare...he is my husband... n who told u I m forced or anything that way. ... I m very happy n in very love with my husband...did u understand that....who the hell are u to talk to my husband that way...I had thought I got a good friend but u breaked my trust from friendship... just get away I don't want to see ur face too ...

Arjun:  teju...

Teju: whattt tejuuu... do u Even understand that u not only insulted me but all my husband... he is my everything.. n I will kill the person who will even try to say a word which can hurt him..

Arjun:  then y didn't u say us that u r married...

Teju: because I don't want my husband to become my weakness he is my strength...n I know one or other will use his name in front of me to make Mr weak.... n u r no one for me arjun what ever I m today is all Because of my husband... n u dare to insult him..

Arjun:  teju I like u a lot please leave him n let's be together...

Now kk couldn't control himself he moved forward n hold him from his collar...

Kk: what do u think of urself... Because of teju I was controlling myself n u r crossing the line again n again... don't dare to mess with me ...

Arjun:  what can u do... u have nothing to do against me...

Kk: oh who said u this... u want to see what I can do ...then just wait n watch..

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