part-15(meet my to be husband

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It was night n kk was waiting for tejas call...

But she didn't n when kk called it was off... kk was like what the she fine...

He thought of calling td n asking but it will get wrong so he thought to wait... n while waiting only he slept..

N teja who was emotionally mentally n physically messed up cried all night n slept

N next morning too kk waited but teja didn't on her phone..

It was it for kk he just took the car n left for tejas hours...

N here teja just got up n started making Breakfast then cleaned her room but she was feeling lot of weakness n she was getting blank out a Lot... but she managed n did all the work...

Kk who came n stood in front of the door of her house

Rang the bell n td opened the door..

Td : oh Karan baccha... u r here... come come come..... came to take teja right... what did Dr say yesterday..

Kk: yesterday she didn't come uncle she was having some work right..

Td: oh okk.. I was out so I thought she went n came to hospital..

Kk: no ... but today she has to show to Dr it's important..

Td: ha ha she will wait I will call her..

Td: tejaa teja..  she Karan is here to pick u...

Teja: Karan.. but y...  yar God y r u increasing my problems

Saying this teja went out ..

Teja: hi..

Kk: let's go ur appointment is in 20 min..

Teja: but I m fine so no need of hospital..

Kk: teja come out I m waiting in car come soon..

Kk didn't wanted to say anything in front of td so he just told n left n teja didn't have any choice went with kk..

N from inside the room Tm came ..

Tm: y did u send her ..  he is taking her to so big hospital... y to waste so much money on all this... n I had told her not to go... this girl let her come I will teach her the lesson..

Td: what's wrong with u ... r u really my wife or did property made  u blind ... what r u talking do u realize... n what u r doing today will get back to u one day for sure...

Saying this td left..

N near kk n teja..

Teja came out n kk opened door for her... n she sat in ...

Kk then sat n started driving... both where not talking anything n soon as they reached hospital then kk came out first n opened the door...

As they were going inside someone called teja name n she turned n saw it was her college friend naina...

Naina: tejaaa where the hell r u ... I m trying to contact u but u r not in contact... n u know the event is postponed It would Have been yesterday but it's tomorrow now u r coming right..

Teja: nainaa.. no I m not coming n meet my to be husband Karan... n Karan she is naina my college friend...

Kk: hi..

Naina:  hm hi..

Teja: sorry naina but now we have to go ...

Saying this teja started walking n kk was following her...

Soon they reached in Dr Umar's cabin n Umar first removed her bandage from hand n it was all red n dry blood was also there..

Umar: oh shitt... miss did u do some work..

Teja: wo..rk.. .. no

Umar: then how is this possible the redness n the blood... OK I will apply medicine n then we can get u injection

Teja: hm...

Soon Umar changed her bandage n teja was not saying anything but as soon as he started preparing injection she was very scared...

Teja: please get me injection..please..

Umar: it is important miss... please..

Kk: teja don't get scared nothing will happen I m here only

Kk came forward n hold her hand

Kk: shh... I m here..

Soon Umar gave injection n teja was in pain but kk was feeling the pain....

Right now both were in car n kk was thinking something... he just went n left teja home n went back home....

What do u think kk is thinking..

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