part-64(shamita leave her)

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Teju:  sun...nnyy... sha...mi..ta alw..ays to...ok ....n of ..u ... I ....wi .. sun..nnyy...

Kk: shh ...not a word... I m here na.. u just don't say anything now just relax... just don't tighten ur body ... .. princeee get it fast mannn...

Prince: here it is bhai .. take take..

Kk: hm

Kk took the tablet n put it in tejus mouth...adda brought water he made her drink the water...

Kk: teju just don't close ur eyes...  keep them open ... see me..  see ur sunny is here na see...

Td was seeing teju n he was feeling helpless but today his mistake was also in front of everyone he could not move from his place...

Teju: su..nny... it...

Kk: what happened where is it paining say me baby ... let's go let go near Dr..

Teju: no... no ... it's paining to ...see there..  real face......

Teju was now getting normal...kk took her in arms n made her sit on sofa ... n one side omi came n sat n other side prince both where holding her hand..

Kk went towards td..

Kk: baba that day what u said ... that it's all done by ur wife n sister... n u could not do anything u r very Guilty...y didn't u say me about the promise u made ... do u really think me mad... did u see her ..  n this is not for the first time ..  she is suffering because of u all from very long time...n because my dad was talking I had kept control on myself but now when she is suffering I can't keep the control  ... as much as she have suffered u all will suffer double.... n u both Mother n daughter ... be ready I will see which clg u can get seat now... n shamita even I have personal revenge so it will be fun playing with u now.. because I had warned u all don't light the fire but u all took me lightly now just wait and watch... omi bhai in next 3 hours I want Prakash industry to be destroyed... .

Omi: oh y 3 hours only 15 minutes is needed just wait a sec..

Omi made a call only one call ... n everyone's mouth was open..

Teju just got up n went towards kitchen she was not feeling that good there

Shamita who saw her going went behind her n she took knife while going

Kk whose eyes were on Bua n td...

Teju: ahhh sunnyyyyy.....

Kk ran as he heard her noise..

Shamita was holding knife on her neck ...

Kk: tejuuu....Shamita leave her Shamita... I m saying leave her...if she gets even a small mark that it will not be good for u ...

Everyone came running towards kitchen n

Km: tejuuu .. My baccha

Td:Shamita leave her... please I beg u ... didi say her to leave ... she is hurting my daughter..
Bua didn't say a word ... prince was on call in garden... n omi knew it he message prince to come from window n told him what Shamita did

Kk was very scared for teju...

Prince who slowly came from window .... Shamita standing talking

Shamita:  I was so close to my dream but this girl..ohhh God I will not leave u alive tejasswi u Deserve to die...

She was busy talking when from behind prince holds her both the hand n kk pulled teju out ...

Teju who was very badly scared hugged kk very tightly n he to hugged her..

Omi: prince hold her police is on the way..

Bua:  omi Nothing happened y r u involving Police...

Before anyone could say anything adaa..

Adaa: do not u dare to say a word now she will definitely suffer she has crossed her limits... teja is not only sunny's wife but my sister too ...I will take action against her n u will say do u have proof ... definitely I have kitchen hall n dinner hall have camera fixed..

Bua: no no no  her life will be destroyed... please don't do this way ... adaa.. this girl deserves to die ...

Bua got a slap on her face n it was from dadi...

Bua was seeing towards dadi..

Dadi: u r so shameless ....

Soon police came n took shamita with them

N kk took teju towards there room she was shocked ...

Td was going towards teju when tm stopped him..

Tm: what else do u want to listen from them ur daughter have destroyed ours everything .... for us we don't have any daughter named tejasswi she died from us from today ....

Tm holds td hand n then Bua too came..

Kk made teju sleep n came down

Tm: yuvika come let's go..

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