part-23(trust god)

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As the roka was done kk's family where back n here teja was in her room n her family was standing out in hall..

Bua: what shameless ur daughter is Prakash...n because of ur daughter my baby shamita came n went.... ur daughter made my baccha go away..(u will get to know soon)...

Td: please I request don't start n leave my daughter she is already suffering a lot please... n I don't need anything please u just go..just go away

Tm: what no no... didi he is just tired u don't get angry I m sorry u go take some rest I will talk with him

Bua without saying anything went n Tm..

Tm: are u mad what are u doing ...

Td: we don't need anything can't u understand..

Tm: but we need how many years do u want me to work day n night in this small house .. I too want to live a luxurious life i too want to have a's our property... n ur daughter is getting a lot of property n money so no need to worry about her .. didn't u see her today's dress n I m sure it's more then 30000 n did u see the gift that Karan gave... that were more then 50000... n his family brought many other gifts too

Td : today I feel I never knew u ... are u so selfish from starting or did u show ur colors .. she is ur daughter n what property property... don't forget because of her marriage u r getting property n what kk gave n what didn't...don't go in all this because u have no rights for that now... u have lost the value in front if ur own daughters n ur husband what will u do by taking property will u die peacefully by doing always...what u r doing na will come to u fir sure...

Saying this td left n Tm too went to there room...

N near teja she was sitting on bed n yuvika was lying on her ..

Yuvika: di y is our life becoming this way... we were very happy na ... then y suddenly mom changed.. y suddenly Bua remembered us... n y baba is not saying anything..

Teja:yuvika... my baccha... listen to what's there mistake.. they are suffering from almost 25 years just because they have they have a chance to be happy n y not ... n Marriage.. see one day u to have to marry n me to n Karan is very very very dam good n what else do I need n baby relax I m fine ..

Yuvika:  but di ur studies

Teja: yuvika I have left everything on God .... n u relax n just trust God... n now u to go n rest...

Teja yold yuvika to go because she wanted to talk to Karan... n in front of yuvika not possible...

As soon as yuvika went teja took her phone n called Karan...

Kk who was in working on important file didn't see the name n pick the call..

Kk: please who ever it is I m right now not in the mood to talk n please don't dare to call me for next few hours...

Kk didn't hear anything n kept the call..

Teja felt bad but she understood he was busy or else he will never talk this way with her..

Teja then slept...

N near kk..

Kk who got busy in office work..

n there was a knock ...

Kk: come in...

Omi: oh thank u sir..

Kk: bhai...

Omi: yup ... n Mr Karan kundra didn't dad clearly say u that no office work till ur marriage n I n prince will handle everything ...y don't u understand...or it's u don't trust us..

Kk: no bhai... it's not that way... it getting very heavy on u both to handle 2 company together n I m totally free today so I just thought...

Omi: ok ok u handle ur company ok we will not come to help u too...

Kk: no bhai..

Omi: this is first n last warning that don't dare to work till ur marriage n if I see u working then u see what I will do... by the way u had got someone's call did u at least see the name who called u ...

Kk: no bhai I was very busy..

Omi: it might be teja to brother..

Kk: oh shit .. wait let me check..

Kk check his phone n it was teja only   .

Kk: oh shitt bhai now I m gone ...

Omi: wow I would love to see u gone now..

Kk: are u really my brother..

Omi: nope mom brought u from garbage...

Kk: bhaiiii

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