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Both where in car ...

Kk : hm teju... hm don't take me wrong... I know baba I mean ur dad is doing wrong with u but he is also suffering..please hm try to ones talk please..

Teju: hmm...

Kk: u r fine..

Teju: yup..

Kk: teju n listen to me carefully... I m saying u before only... I respect ur family n they are ur mom n dad n yuvika... n others doesn't matter to me so I m all ready to destroy them but I don't want to do anything which hurts u so ur one yes n they all will suffer..

Teju: hmm

Kk knew teju will never say yes because she is what she is ..

Soon they reach home n kk got out n opened the door for teju...

Kk then took a few bags which km gave to give at tejus home

Then he holds her hand n both started walking n they were Standing in front of door 

Kk: teju baby ring the bell..

Teju just wanted to go back home but she knew it was not going to happen...

She just rang the door n td opened..

Td: princess...

Teja who was emotional n after hearing princess from her baba she hugged him n started crying.. even her baba was crying....

Soon both got normal..

Td : sorry sorry sorry Karan... I made u both wait outside... come come in..

As they entered teju was seeing all around for yuvika..

Td: hm she is in her room wait yuvika yuvika baccha see who is here..

Yuvika soon came down n saw teja...

Yuvika: diiii... jiju....

Yuvika ran towards teja n hugged her...

Yuvika:  I missed u a lot di... ahh God I feel like I m meeting u after ages...

Then kk sat there for sometime..

Kk: teju baby I m going... n will come soon n u take care ok....

Teju: hm..go slowly n driver slowly n message me once u reach office..

Kk: hm..

Kk came forward n kissed her forehead n went... n all this was seen by shamita n Bua as well td n Tm n yuvika to..

Td Tm n yuvika were happy but this Bua n shamita were burning ...

Teju: baba can we talk...

Td: ha princess

Teju went towards her room n tears fall from her eyes her childhood her hardwork her everything was coming in front of her eyes..  she was lost in thoughts when td kept hand on her shoulder...

She wiped the tears n then got in the too came n then she sat on bed n td sat next to her..

Teju: Karan told me everything...

Td: princess I m sorry princess..

Teju: ok I will take ur sorry baba can u get back my right....y I have to sacrifice everytime baba..isn't it wrong with me... y everyone wants me to kill my dream just because of that shamita...baba m I that bad luck for u..

Teju was having tears in her eyes..

Teju: it's great that I got Karan like husband what if i had got worse one... have u ever thought that baba... u know baba u were good son good brother good husband but not a good father for me but I will forgive u only on one thing..

Td: please say princess ..

Teju: my baccha my yuvika will get all the things which she deserves in life n no one I mean it that no one will force her for anything... no one will insult her n if anyone do I will destroy what ur wife got in exchange of my marriage... n I promise this I will do it..

Td: I promise u baccha that I will become the good father...

Td went as he was feeling guilty n teju sat there for few minutes ... then she got up...

Teju called yuvika up because she needed some help..

As yuvika came..

Teju: yuvi please help me na I want to take few things Please help..

Yuvika:  sure di...

Teju took the books n her documents n then few more things she wanted ...

Then yuvika started packing..

Then teju took her old mobile n kept in her bag ...

As the packing was done...

Teju: uff it's done..

Saying this she fall on bed n besides her yuvika...

Yuvika:  di I missed u soo much u know..

Teju:yuvi baccha u do one thing take my room because now I will never come back here n here no one will disturb u ...

Yuvika:  but di..

Teju: take baccha..

Yuvika:  hm..

Soon they both kept talking n almost 2 hours were passed n any time kk was going to come...

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