part-117(congratulations mrs kundra)

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Riya: what she is ur wife u r married... u r joking right Mr Kundra..

Kk: y will I joke miss riya... n yes she is my wife...

Rajiv: oh stupid man ...y did u make my bhabhi face so much its her office y did she give interview...

Kk: ask her only..

Teju: hm I just wanted to be selected from my work not because I m sunny I mean Karan's wife....

Rajiv:  impressive...

Omi: I m so proud of u ...

Omi came forward hugged her..

Teju: thank u bhai...

Kk: let's have lunch together...

Riya: not today Karan I m busy...

Kk: oh sorry Miss riya but I didn't ask u ...

Rajiv tried to control his laugh but he couldn't n seeing him Even omi started laughing...

Riya went out n she was so angry ....n here inside as she went Rajiv n omi to went out n our sunny n ladooo were left alone...

Kk: congratulations Mrs kundra...

Teju: y did u do that sunny...

Kk: what did I do...

Teju: y did u tell I m ur wife like ....

Kk : are u ashamed...because u r my wife..

Teju: u r stupid.... think before saying anything... when did I say that....I just didn't wanted them to know what if they think I got it because I m ur wife...

Kk: then let them think ... y r u getting effected for other thinking ....

Teju:  sunny y r u not understanding what I m trying to say  ....

Kk: laddoo y r u not understanding...

Teju:  uff ... leave its go for lunch...

Kk: hm..

Both left n as they both came out together everyone's eyes were on them then they both moved towards canteen n omi n Rajiv too joined them... after lunch kk had meeting so he went n omi to had some work he too went ....

The office people thought Rajiv doesn't know hindi...

Teju got up to go n Rajiv to joined her as they both were going out...

As she started walking she started to hear..

Someone(1):  she is such a slut....u know I saw her with Karan sir n now she is going with this man... God knows with how many she have slept....

N other person(2):  oh u know I got to know that she is wife of Karan kundra...

1: what no way... y would sir marry a girl like her...

2: I think she got selected because she is sir's wife ... such a cheap thing man..

Teju heard everything but maintained a face n she went out where as Rajiv heard everything and as he could not take that he moved towards kk's cabin...

Teju went out n there was office driver standing...

Teju: kaka drop me home please...

Kaka: ok Bata...

Teju went n sat in car n she left for home tears were falling from her eyes

Soon she Reach home n went inside...

Km: teju....  how was it ...

Teju: nice mom...

Km: what happened... did u cry ...

Teju: no no no mom ... I m just tired....

Km: ok go get fresh then have lunch n sleep for sometime...

Teju: I had lunch with sunny mom..

Km: ok then go sleep for sometime...

Teju moved towards her room n just lye on bed n tears started falling from her eyes ....her past was coming in front of her eyes how her Bua use to say things to her... how her mom use to say... n today as she heard all that made her panic ....

Teju started panicking....she started breathing heavily....

N she got panic attack n she got fainted....

N near kk...

Kk was in online meeting when his cabin door opened with full force  ..

Kk: just a sec...

He muted his call..

Kk: what's wrong Rajiv...

Rajiv:  Karan it's too much.... how could u give so much freedom for people to rise fingers on ur wife...

Kk: what do u mean ...what happened...

Rajiv:  that girls .... they broke teju...

Rajiv told everything to him...n his eyes got red after listening to it...

Kk unmuted the call..

Kk: I m sorry there is some emergency here we will have the meeting some other day...

Kk disconnected the call n closed his laptop ...

Kk: who were the girls...

Before Rajiv could say anything his phone rang...

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