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Then they spend there time in shopping ...

They returned hotel were kk ordered something online so he was waiting n teju who was hugging kk's arms..

Teju: baby let's go na I want to go in room..

Kk: baccha just 5 min ...please

Then soon he got the parcel n then they reached the room...

As they reached..

Teju:  baby by the way what did u order...

Kk : hm ...I will say u go get fresh first..

Teju got fresh then kk too went to get fresh n as he came he saw teju was standing outside in balcony n was seeing towards sky...

Kk came from behind n hugged her ....

Teju just put all her weight on him n he holds her carefully...

Teju: hm sunny u didn't say what did u order..
Kk: wait a sec I m coming u will get to know..

Kk went back in room n got the parcel..

He made teju sit on the chair present there n he sat in front ...

Kk: baby listen to me carefully... baby yesterday we did without any protection n I don't have any problem to start a family but we both need time for each other ... I want to know u more n I know u to want that ... n  I know u have ur dreams to achieve so once u achieve ur dream we will plan .. but as we did yesterday... I don't want any risk for u so take this tablet it's safe I had asked 5 Dr's then ordered it n this is a tube ... u were having pain na in morning so u can apply it will reduce... n this are few condoms... as before I was not prepared but now I m all prepared u know right..

Trju blushed on this..

Teju: sunnyy.....

Kk: wait I will bring water first have the medicine ..

Kk went in n got a bottle n gave her..

She took medicine n then they both were very tired but kk picked her n arms..

Kk: baby if u feel comfortable can I apply cream I promise I will not do anything..

Teju: but sunny I m fine...

Kk: I know its still paining ..

Teju: ok ..

Kk then slowly removed her panty...she was wearing a night gown .... n firstly he gave it a kiss n then he applied...

Kk then made her wear panty..

Kk: babu u rest I need a cold shower I will join u In few minutes...

Kk then took bath then both slept hugging each other...

Soon the days passed n it was the day to return

It was a bright morning n both are sleeping n tejus sleep broke because of stomach pain


She got up n she realized that she got her periods...

Teju: oh shitt ... ah God y today..  I get so horrible pain n today we are going to travel

Luckily she had one pad in her handbag ... she got up n went took bath n then packed few more things...n removed kk's clothes...

Kk who was still sleeping got up because he felt teju missing..

Kk: teju baby where r u..

Kk got up n scanned the room n she was not there then he went towards Balcony n saw her lost somewhere..

Kk: teju baby what happened

Teju: hm sunny nothing...Good morning babyyy..

Kk: good morning...y r u looking dull ..  everything is fine right...

Teju: hm that..  ha ha now go get ready I m hungry...

Teju was not understanding what n how to say kk that she got periods she was not having problem in saying but what if he has an issue

Kk got ready n came n he saw her again lost..

Kk: baby say me what happened...there ia definitely something wrong

Teju: sunny that that I got my periods.. n its very painful...n I even don't have pads I had only one which I applied...

Saying this she started crying she doesn't know y but she was crying..

Kk: baby shh relax I m here na... n y r u thinking so much to say this wait I will order pads ...n y r u sitting...come get up wait don't walk..

Kk picked her up n took her towards room n made her sleep on bed teju was having very bad crams ...kk started massaging her stomach with his hand which was little relief..

Kk: baby let's cancel the flight n stay .

Teju: no sunny I m feeling better now n u will be with me na I trust u...

Kk: I could see that..

There door bell rang n it was a parcel n kk  took n closed the door it was pad n few chocolates which kk ordered for teju...

Teju then got fresh n Changed n then they had to leave for airport but today teju was very different she was sticking kk all time she wanted his attention like very bad...they left for airport

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