part-10(are u really a mother)

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Next morning teja got up got fresh n went down made very strong coffee for herself n then went back towards her room

Td was seeing teja who has lost all her charm from face...

Today afternoon kundra family was coming to fix the marriage date...

Tm: teja don't go n sit  ... get up n get ready n come in kitchen... I need a lot of help from u...

Teja heard it n then got ready n came in kitchen n saw Tm was in hall doing something  ... she didn't wait for Tm n started making lunch n she made everything... n went back ...

N when Tm went in kitchen there Bua was standing..

Tm: didi.

Bua:  ha say... but before u say anything see I made all the lunch u told ur daughter but she Is of no use so I made...

Saying this Bua went n Tm was so angry she went towards tejas room n saw teja lying on bed...

She went angrily n pulled her up n slapped her...

Teja: ahhhh... Maa..

Tm: I told u to come in kitchen to make lunch right... what the hell do u think u r doing...  

Teja: but ..

Tm: what But... u know Bua made all the lunch n u r here resting... what do u think u r ..  I would have been better I would have killed u in my stomach only...

Td: stop it... n what are u talking do u have any sense...n who told that my sister made I myself saw teja Making all the lunch... n u should be thankful of this girl that she Is sacrifice her everything but u ... God gave us angel but he didn't know u r the devil... n I m saying u from today my daughter will not do any work my sister is doing right go then make her do... n how dare u slap her..

Tm: no I didn't slap her ..

Td: u can lie but not my eye see her face..  r u Really a mother...

Tm: but it was..

Td: not a word now go n do not dare to say anything or else I can also slap the same way u did.. go...

Tm left n teja to did not say anything n went in washroom n cried her heart out...

Soon she got fresh n then got Ready her face had the fingerprint so she hide it with makeup n then went down n saw almost everything is ready..

Yuvika:  didi come with me..

Yuvika took her back to her room..

Yuvika:  did that women slapped u...

Teja: baccha she is ur mother so stop ..

Yuvika:  but...

Teja:  I can handle but u don't get into all this just study okk..

Yuvika:  hmm..

On the other side kk mansion..

Km was running from her to there...

Km: adaa did u pack that gift which I told u... n did u take everything..

Adaa: mom u have checked everything more the 5 time relax...

Km: I m not able too.. my sunny is going to get married very soon I m so happy...

Omi: even me Maa..  that stupid man did one good thing that he told yes to marry teja..

Kd: that u told correct for the first time in life Mr omi... right adaa baccha..

Adaa: yes dad...

Dadi: oye don't trouble my kid n where is sunny he is still sleeping..

Prince:  I will wake up bhai...

Prince started running..

Omi: oye mad man stop there only... n walk slowly u r already hurted ...

Prince:  I m very strong bhai..

Soon Prince went n woke kk up..

Kk:say y are u here..what u want..

Prince:  bhai u think I m like that... I m here to wake u up so that u can go n meet ur future wife but u ... ..

Kk: oh drama king say what u want..

Prince:  that... I saw a new car...

Kk: no no no Prince Dad will kill me last month only I took n u saw...

Prince: please bhai I loved it please.

Kk: yar ok show..

Prince removed his mobile from pocket n started showing n kk got lost in the car..

Km : u both are still sitting... oh God we have to reach soon u both have only 10 min I want u both down n ur time starts now..

Kk: mom mom mom I m coming...

Kk got up n ran towards washroom n got fresh

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