part-19(don't dare )

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Teja went inside n saw td , Tm, n Bua where sitting there n all were looking angry...

As teja walked Tm started to come towards teja but she ignored n started walking towards her room

Tm: where r u going...

Teja didn't stop n went towards her room n went towards window... n kk saw her n left n as he left Tm came towards her turned her n slap her ...

Teja: don't u dare... don't u dare to touch me...

Tm: volume down teja ... n where were u ... n from where did u get this dress...

Teja: u already know I know it so please leave...

Tm:I had told u to leave all ur study n everything right...y don't u understand...y do u want to create problems...

Tm was again going to slap teja but teja holds her hand

Teja  : from many days I m not saying anything that doesn't mean I get scared from u all... n who the hell r say me .... u r no one to me so .. never ever dare to touch me or else I will file a case on the whole family n especially u n ur didi... so don't dare... u all are dead for me so stay away I will do what I want...u wanted me to Marry right I m getting married so don't dare to do anything or else I will tell Karan that u all are forcing me.. u don't know how much powerful is Karan n if he get to know that u all r doing this way then I m sure u will suffer... n what u think I don't know y u don't want me to study or u think I don't know who informed you all.... I know everything.... n please go now... goo...

Teja started taking long breath... she was shaking.. it was like she is getting panic attack...

Tm left because she was shock to see this side of teja ...n here kk called teja n teja picked..

Kk: teja I reached..

Teja: haa... hmm

Kk: teja what happened.

Teja: not....hing not..hing

Kk: teja relax... shh... did something happened...

Teja: Ka...ran I....ahh...

Kk: teja teja shh... wait I m coming.

Kk ran towards his car n kept his phone on speaker..

Kk: teja shh....relax...nothing happened


Teja sat on ground n she was getting very panic it was getting difficult to breathe.....

Bua came towards her room as Tm informed what teja told n she was very angry on teja...

Bua holds teja from her hair..

Bua: u girl what do u think about urself ...

Teja:  ahhh... shh.. bu.aa....  ahhh...

Bua didn't know kk was on call n he was hearing everything...

Bua: I m feeling like to kill u right now ... what do u think about urself... I had told ur dad to sell u when u were born but he didn't listen... u r very unlucky I have always told ur dad... n because of u only because of u ... my daughter shamita didn't get award of best student I had told u..never go ... but u didn't listen... my daughter is broken because of u only u

Bua was going to kick teja when there home bell rang... n Td open the door..

Kk: move...

Kk was very angry plus worried ... he just ran towards tejas room..

Kk: teja

He saw Bua holding her from hair n teja had lost conscious...

Bua: Karan Bata
. ..

Kk : shut up just shut up n move right now

Kk went n picked teja in his arms..

Kk: teja teja open ur eyes...

Td: what happened to her... teja princess..

Kk: now she is mine n I know what to do... if u would have seen what's going in ur home u would know it...

Kk picked her n them ran towards his car..

Kk  made her lye on back seat n he started driving... while driving he called omi..

Kk: bhaii I need u ... please can u come..

Omi: where r u..

Kk: going to our hospital please come..

Omi: ok I m coming..

Soon kk reached picked teja in arms n started going inside n omi to joined them...

Omi: tejaa... sunnyy what happened to her...

Kk : I will say but before that please call the Dr...

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