part-63(i hate u all)

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Kd:till now I have understood one thing that u people have problem with My daughter  .. so say it Clearly today's let's finish what ever it is..

Bua : problem with her... ha nice joke .. u don't know she is the problem... unlucky girl.  .

Td: will u shut ur mouth..

Bua : because of this stupid girl u will Say me to shut my mouth in front of people... how dare u..

Teju who was listening to all this n she was feeling very bad...she just holds kk from his arms...

Kd: n how dare u to say this kind of things in front of me for my daughter...

Bua: oh u too wait for sometime she will herself prove that she is unlucky...I m saying u guys u still have time remove her from Karan's life  

Kd lost his carm..

Kd: shut up .... I was quite but I m not like Mr Prakash who can listen for his daughter what do u think u r ... u r nothing in front of me... teju might be Karan's wife but first she is my daughter... n I wanted to know what's the Matter n was thinking I will solve it by talking but now I will not ... now I will take the action... I have call recoding which I will handle to Police from clg side to n from a father side too... n what do u think u will say n I will listen now what all words u have use for my daughter u will pay interest to it ...

Bua could not say a word...

Kd:n Mr Prakash is this how a father should be .. I would never let this happen... if ur sister is that important then u better would have not planned for kids..   u would have adopted ur sister only... n let me give u a good news that my daughter is going to join for MBA that to in free seat n she has got best student of b Com tomorrow is her award function n only u n yuvika are invited...

Shamita as soon as she heard she got up from sofa..

Shamita: no no no this can not happen.... ahh mom my dream .. no ...

Shamita came towards teju n pulled her up ... it was kk who balanced her...

Kk: Shamita are u gone mad..

Shamita:  u can't do this tejasswi u can not... i deserve it how dare u ... I had planned everything... ur marriage I wanted u to discontinue ur study n it worked too now y r u coming back to take my rights...

Shamita was behaving like a mad woman..

Shamita:  mom mom this can not happen... mom.. mama u had promised me that u will not let her continue her studies u had ... mama

As soon as Shamita told teju got shocked to hear that td had promised Shamita this way..

Kk was holding teju .... teju just removed his hand n went towards td..

Td also stood up..

Td: princess..

Teju:  did u really promised her did u really.  ..

Td: teju listen to me once..

Teju:  just yes or no ...

Td: hm....

Teju:  wow  .. I use to think that ur wife n ur sister are villains but u too ..even after knowing my dream ... from childhood u have done the same ... u have given my everything to her... y y yyyyy ..

Teju started breathing heavily... kk went towards teju to hold her but she..

Teju: sunny let me talk today Please..

Teju then moved towards Tm..

Teju:  n u ... what should I say u my dear mother or should I say greedy mother... do u Even deserve to be called as a mother I don't think so... ah u can be definitely called as Shamitas second mother.. n what do u say u wanted a son I should have been dead.. Are u really a mother because u never in ur whole life though about others  .. u r very selfish... u r very selfish.... I pray no one should get a mother like u one   ..

Teju then saw towards Bua..

Teju: n u the great no no no greatest Bua... u know u r the main problem not me .... n remember my bappa will give u what u have done to me ... do u know ur karma will come to u ..  n I want ur daughter should experience what I have been faced from childhood..I just hate u all ...I just hate u all destroyed my childhood u have destroyed my everything... it's all because of u all..

Saying this teju started breathing very heavily...

Kk ran towards her

Kk started rubbing his back...

Teju:  sun...nyyyy pun...ish t...he...m....

Kk : shh don't talk...shh. ... prince go to my room n get the table it's on dressing table fasttt... n bhabhi water ...

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