part-68(small kid)

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Teju got up to go down

Yuvika:  di u r small kid n as well as drama queen...

Kk: oh yarr u told the truth..

They both were talking loudly n teju heard it ..

Teju: I m pakka not talking...

Teju then went down n both too went behind her..

Everyone were setting in hall..

Teju: Maa papa..

Kd: ha baccha..

Km: ha say na baccha...

Teju: Maa papa see na ur son is troubling me so much n dad he is telling me I m kid ... n this yuvi is telling I m drama queen... scold them..

Kd: baccha come here sit let them come in front of me I will teach them lesson..

Km: even me baccha how could they trouble my baby..

Kk: oh yuvi see mom is also saying her babyyyy... hence she is a kid..

Teju: papaaa...

Kd: dare u u want my flying Chapple on ur face or will u stop troubling my daughter...
Teju: papa that yuvi too..

Kd: no no no baby she is also small n this sunny has only spoiled her I know my daughter's...

Kk: dad are u serious...

Kd: now go make nice tea for me ur mom n my 3 daughter's... n do nicely..

Kk: I will not make..


Kk : teju u can't do this..

Teju:  mom that guest room beside my room please tell helpers to clean na ..

Km: y baccha yuvika's room is ready ..

Teju:  not for her mom ..  for ur son ...

Kk saw towards teju ..

Kk: babu 5 cups tea right..

Teju: yesss sunny...

Kk: okk .

Kk turned to go...

Teju: sunnyyyy..

Kk: ha baccha..

Teju:  sunnyyyy wait..

Teju went towards him n holds his hand..

Teju : now let's go...

Kk blushed on this n they both went towards kitchen...

Kk started to take milk n all the things needed for tea

Teju: oye husband..

Kk: ha baby..

Teju: u just do one thing I will make tea..

Kk: ok so say what should I do..

Teju went towards him n stood in front of him her back was facing him..

Teju: hug me ..

Kk: what..

Teju:  hug me baby..

Kk bend a little n back hugged her..

Teju:  hm just this be this way I will do everything.

Kk: oh if this way I have to make tea then all day breakfast lunch Dinner snack etc I m ready to do ..

Kk then started kissing on her neck was getting hard for teju to control but before she lose control the tea was ready...
Kk moved back n stood beside her n was seeing teju was having difficulty in standing  her one leg which was hurted she was doing it up again n again because it was paining

She served it n was about to take the  tray..

Kk: oye jaan keep it back there... u have pain na in leg then y r u picking them n walking..

Teju: painn.... no no I don't have...

Kk: u think u can lie to me ...

Teju: sunnyyyy very little pain ...

Kk: I know how much little it is ...

Kk then picked teju up n made her sit on slab  ..

Kk: now don't move ... just be here..

Kk took the tray n went n  kept in on table n before anyone could ask anything he went back to kitchen...

He came to kitchen n picked teju in his arms n started walking...

Teju: sunnyyyy sunny what r u doing put me down ... everyone is here sunny ... n even u r not well..

Kk: shh not a word baby u very well know I will not listen to u  .

Kk took teju towards hall..

Kd: what happened ...

Omi: teju are u fine..

Km: what wrong sunny..

Kd: I know u only did something say it out sunny...

Prince:  what happened bhai..

Dadi : teju u r fine..

Kk: yar let me speak..

All got silent ..

Kk: yesterday if u all remember madam had fallen from steps n due to everything that happened yesterday everyone forgot that ...

N from morning I was not well I was having fever n this girl took soo much care of mine she didn't even sit quietly for a min....

N she didn't share her pain which she is suffering from yesterday....n see her leg is so swelled ...

Kd: tejuuu..

Teju: hm baba... I mean papa.... I m not having that much pain...

Kk: she was not able to stand on that leg..

Teju put her face down..

Km: sunny now don't scold my daughter go take her in room n apply bam n u both rest for sometime... as tonight we have to go to teju award function so be ready till 7...

Kk : okk mom..

Kk picked teju n took her towards there room ...


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