part-11(marriage date)

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Soon everyone reached tejas house....

N in tejas house...

Tm: didi u didn't do right...because of u I hurted my daughter...

Bua: now u will teach me what is right or wrong..

Td: u both don't start now they might be coming anytime...

Tm: hm..

N teja she got ready in beautiful dress. ... which was looking so elegant on her...

.as the door bell rang tejas heartbeat increase...

She heard everyone noise n Yuvika came to pick her..

N kk

Kks was feeling something which he never felt n his eyes were only searching teja n as he saw her coming he just forgot everything where he is what he is everything

Teja came forward n bend down to touch km n kds feet but kd stop her

Kd: baccha u r my daughter n in us daughter never touch the feet so never ever do it again...if u want to meet u come n give a hug ...

Saying this kd hugged her n km too hugged teja...

Then teja sat next to kk n soon pandit ji came..

Pandit ji : I have matched n the dates are of next 2 days one next month or then after one year ...

Km : ok pandit ji we will decide n inform u ..

Pandit:  ok ji now I will go..

Kd: so now kids u both decide when u want to do ...

Km: yes Because we parents are ready for one month also 2 days also or one year too its..u both who should decide

Bua: we are also ready no need to ask teja ask kk if he is ok then we are also ready any time..

Kd: how come ask kk.. if my daughter needs one year time then if it's kk or anyone else it will be one year only..

Kk: dad can we both have a talk then inform u all..

Kd: sure..

Kk: uncle can I take her out..

Bua: y too take her out talk here only..

Td: Bata u go ...

Kk turned towards teja..

Kk: can we go if u don't have any problem..

Teja: hm..

Kk gave her hand n she holds his... n soon both came out..

Kk opened car door for teja n made her sit n then he to sat... n started driving...

Teja just turned her face outside n started seeing the city..

Kk: teja where do u want to go..

Teja: any where is ok Karan..

Kk : I will take u to my favorite place will u like to come..

Teja: Karan no need to ask permission I trust u..

Kk: thank you...

Teja:  what... I mean y..

Kk: thank u for trusting me teja...

Teja: hm..

Soon kk took her towards a place which was a mountain n there was no one n from there u could see the whole city..

Teja went and sat at the ground n kk too went n sat..

Both stayed quiet for sometime then kk..

Kk: teja..

Teja: ha..

Kk: I know it's very difficult for u n for me too ... n we both are not ready... but I want to give a try like we can be friends... I mean start the relationship with the seeds then the tree will grow right I want to know everything of ur life ... I want to know ur dream ... n I even want u to know my everything my dream... so what is ur thought..

Teja: Karan I m ready to marry u not just Because my family's wants but I can see in ur eyes the way u hold respect for me that's what I need .. I m too ready bit not in 2 days...

Kk: me too 2 days will be very soon.... one month or year..

Teja: month..

Kk: ha month..

Then both sat there quietly...

Kk: teja

Teja: ha..

Kk: teja I m always with u ...

Teja: thank u..

Kk: n y..

Teja: for ur support....u don't even know me but u r ready to be with me thank u...

Kk: ok now say me what do u want to have

Teja: hm anything is ok..

Kk: yar what anything anything share ur thoughts too...

Teja: but I like everything too eat so

Kk: do u want to have momos..

Teja: ha..

Kk: then come let's go n have ..

Kk took her towards a small shop n both had momos... n both started to walk n there was some fight going on in the shop ... they started to come out when tejas eyes fall on a glass bottle was coming towards kk.

Teja: Karannnn..

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