part-97(4 months leap)

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Soon 4 months passed n teju got very comfortable in clg ... n she had made 2 more friends  one was arjun(ar) n another was varun (va)

So they were four members group ..teju muskan arjun n varun...

So in this 4 months both teju n kk got more closer..n kk use to help her in study every night... but from past 2 week kk is busy in office due to a very important deal n it was getting hard for teju to study Because kk use to make her understand all the things very easily...

Due to the heavy work kk use to came late night n teju use to fall asleep while waiting for him n before teju could get up kk use to go back to office...

N yeah teju didn't tell anyone about there marriage..

So let's start...

Teju got up n she made breakfast for everyone it was now her daily habit that she makes breakfast everyday  ..

Then she packed the tiffin for kk n came near prince..

Teju: prince...

Prince: prince take this tiffin give it to sunny...correct this is what u r going to say .. then give ...

Teju just smiled at him n then gave him tiffin n then packed her back n was ready to leave for clg..

Km:baccha how are u going...

Teju: same Maa arjun is going to pick me up ...

Km: ok then go safely... n yeah have lunch on time ... n take care of urself...

Teju:  ok Maa.. byee love u  ....

Kn: love u too 

Teju left for clg n while going she message kk..

Teju : good morning sunny ..  today also u went with waking me up ..  just finish ur work soon I m missing us... n yeah I m going to clg n arjun is here too pick me up    n have breakfast I have sent it with prince  .. take care u my little...

Teju sent him this message n then she kept her phone in bag n started talking with arjun ..

Arjun liked her but never shared it with her...

Soon they reached clg n went towards there class... n started there day...

N near kk...

Kk was in office from early morning n was working on a file...

Kk: oh God still 3 days then I will get free ... I m missing my baccha do much  ...

Kk was thanking when he heard a notification sound... 

He took his mobile n checked it n it was teju..

As he read the message he got happy but as well as angry...

Kk message her 

Kk: hii ... y did not u take care teju... y is arjun coming to pick u ...n yeah I had breakfast... u too have lunch on time now I m very busy will message u later take care love u too...

Kk then kept his phone back n then got busy in work again...

As he was working consistently prince adaa yuvi n omi came towards his cabin...

They knocked the door of his cabin...

Kk:come in.

As everyone enters kk stood up..

Kk: bhai bhabhi prince yuvi... what a surprise...any thing special..

Adaa: nothing that important just wanted to have lunch and a family time ..

Kk: but I m busy...

Omi:sunny nothing will happen in 2 hours come let's go...n I will Inform teju too...

Kk: ha do it...

Yuvi: but di is in clg ... she has extra class today.....

Adaa: oh yeah she told me ..

Omi: ok then let's not disturb her... let her study  ..

Kk:but no it's....

Adaa: no but nothing we are going n this Sunday let's go again with teju she will also have time...

Kk: hm k...

Kk didn't have any option so he went with them ...

They all ordered the food ..n started eating when kk's phone rang...

It was teju...

Ok before phone call let's see what's happening near teju...

Teju got to know her extra class got canceled so she got very happy....she came to her favorite restaurant to take lunch for her n sunny...with her arjun too came...

As she entered she saw kk n adaa omi prince n yuvi..they all were very happy n were enjoying ...

Teju removed her phone n check her calls like did she miss there call but they didn't call only...n then she checked whatsapp n there also no messages...

She then called kk...

Kk picked the call ..

Kk: hello...

Teju: sunny where are u...

Kk: in office teju there Is so much work...

Teju: oh I think there are 2 Karan then because right now I m seeing u in ABC restaurant...

What do u think will happen now....

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