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Harper looks on worriedly at Ron, who looks sick to his stomach as the Slytherin is chanting something he didn't pay attention to.

Harper doubles over in pain, feeling the wolf inside him wanting to come out. He feels Hermione's hand on his back and he stands up and backs away towards where there are less people and transforms into his Animagus.

He moves forward, moving through the Gryffindors student, and sits back on his legs, raises his head and lets out a loud howls. His howl loud enough that it stops the chanting from the Slytherin and catches the teachers attention.

Ron breaks out from his trance, hearing the familiar howl and looks into the stands and sees the familiar brown wolf, howling, calling out to him. Ron looks in front of him at the approaching Quaffle and swings his hand, blocking the Quaffle away from the goal post.

The howling has stopped and Ron looks into the crowd at the wolf, nodding at the wolf who nodded back at him. He looks in front of him to pay attention to the Quidditch game, only having one person in his mind. Harper, the one person who believed in him.

Hermione looks at Harper who lets out a soft whine and scratches behind his ear to calm him down, and it works. She looked back at the Quidditch pitch, eyes widening when Crabbe hit Harry with his Beater's club. She didn't have the time to stop her brother from running towards Harry and quickly follows after her brother.

"Harry, are you all right?" Hermione said for Harper, as he can't say anything because he's still in his Animagus form.

"Bet you loved that, Potter! Saved Weasley's neck, didn't you?" Draco said, but is ignored by the Gryffindors. "I've never seen a worse Keeper! Maybe we should add some more verses to our little song. About his filthy mother!"

George tries to leap at Draco but Harry and Fred hold him back.

"And his pathetic loser of a father too!" Draco added.

Now Fred was the one attempting to charge Draco as well while the other Gryffindors are trying to hold the twins back.

Harper sits back and watches it calmly, Hermione was wondering why until Draco opened his mouth again.

"But then, you like the Weasleys, don't you? How can you stand the stink? I guess it reminds you of your own dear mother!" Draco said.

Harry turns and runs full out at Draco, who looks startled as Harry leaps at him, crushing his fist into Draco's jaw and knocking him to the ground.

George breaks free of the Gryffindors and follows, hitting Draco too.

Harry leaps onto Draco, hitting him again and again.

"Impedimenta!" Madam Hooch's voice breaks through the crowd, blasting Harry and George with her spell, knocking them off of the blond.

Professor McGonagall storms onto the pitch, Gryffindor scarf flapping wildly in the wind. "What on earth do you two think you're doing?"

Harry rolls to his feet and goes for Draco again but is stopped by Harper, who is in his human form, hands on his chest to calm him down.

"It's alright, Harry..." Harper muttered, moving his hands to Harry's face to make him look up at him. "Your mother was a wonderful woman, don't listen to him." He said, stroking his thumbs on Harry's face, who's slowly calming down. "It's okay now, Harry." He muttered, letting Harry pull him in and wrap his arms around his back while Harry's arms are wrapped around his waist.

Harper looks at Professor McGonagall, who's now calmed down as well, looking at them with a fond look. He didn't flinch when Fred and George wrapped his arms around them, needing the comfort too.

Gryffindor boy - Ron Weasley x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now