I frown as I'm dragged threw a hall I've been labeled a Rogue metahuman and sent to Arkham because I killed a group, it probably didn't help I ripped a chunk of flesh from Batman's arm, broke Robin's leg, and I'm pretty sure I broke Batgirl's nose.

Grunting I'm thrown in my new home, I snarl showing my bloody teeth then look around seeing my walls look like glass and show the cell next to me I see a woman frown looking at me.

I watch as she stands up and seems to glide across the cell to the wall between us "Hello little one, How did you win a trip to Hotel Arkham?"

I giggle looking at her and tilt my head down opening my mouth letting the chunk of arm and cloth drop out of my mouth into my hand, she shudders and looks disgusted as I reach down to
pick up the cloth pushing it against the glass where she can look at it then walk to the bar window on my door I jump up placing the chunk between the bars.

I walk back pulling the cloth off "A group was chasing me I killed them then Batman and his friends showed up I bit Batman took those off his arm, broke Robins's leg, and I broke Batgirl's nose I think".

Walking to my bed I look at it frowning huffing I yank the mattress off the frame grabbing the frame I yank ripping it from the ground and flip it over so its legs stick up then toss the mattress on again, I grab the bedding and make a nest, finally I push it closer to the wall with the lady and climb in the nest looking at her.

Tilting my head I frown "Your the plant lady right the one who protects all the pretty flowers and trees?"

She frowns but nods I yawn closing my eyes "You saved where I stay, the tree always has the best berries and a perfect sleeping spot, it's a nice tree".

Next day

I wake up hearing banging seeing the door open and a female guard by the door watching me before she nods her head telling someone they can come in, I tense up and growl till I see bright red hair and green skin tilting my head I frown "Hey little one I'm Ivy its time for breakfast but, first I'll lead you to meet the doctor so you can talk to her".

I nod getting up and follow her looking at the guard who walks with us "It's okay, now when it comes to guards don't trust them there are a few who treat all of us like we matter, not like monsters or something for them to beat I'll make sure you learn who can be trusted".

I nod and see a woman in a white coat I glance back at the guard giving a slight wave as we stop at the door looking at Ivy as I shift nervously.

Moving closer to Ivy as the woman in white squats down in front of me "Would you feel better talking to me if your new friend joins us?"

I nod and look at Ivy seeing her nod before stepping in and sitting down I rush in pushing my chair closer to her and sit watching the woman pull her chair from behind her desk and sit across from us "My name is Dr. Stone, when you were brought in no one knew your name or age can you tell us?"

"I don't have one but I think I'm nine"

Dr. Stone nods writing "Could you explain that?"

"Um this guy Woodrue he said he made me one day, I ran away because he hurt me a a lot with shots after he disappeared"

I hear Ivy take a sharp breath and look at me "Little one I need you to answer me did he do anything else?"

I nod and shrug as I look back over to Dr. Stone writing "Did he call you by any name?"

I nod "R1P2"

"Do you know what that means?" Dr. Stone asks.

Smiling I nod "Reptile 1 Plant 2, he said I was the second plant hybrid".

Dr. Stone nods writing more "Do you know what you can do with your metahuman abilities?"

I frown looking at Ivy for help "Do you have any special powers?" She says smiling at me.

"Poison don't hurt me, the pretty plants talk to me, I can make myself look like lots of lizards or snakes and mix looks together" I smile proudly looking at Ivy seeing her smile back.

"Do you know your dietary needs?" Dr. Stone asks I frown and look at Ivy who chuckles "What can you eat?"

I nod "Raw meat and plants oh I like candy I tried that recently".

I tilt my head frowning and look at Dr. Stone "When I was hiding in the park I saw a girl with a weird fuzzy thing that looked like a bear I saw other kids with them too, what are they?"

Dr. Stone nods "That was a stuffed animal, a toy, children normally have them as a form of comfort they will even sleep with them".

I frown and look at her "Why?"

She shifts in her chair changing how her legs are crossed "Well it makes them feel safe, keeps nightmares away or feel less alone. do you have a favorite animal?"

I smile and nod "Yeah I snuck into the zoo one day and there were these funny things with spikey hair they laughed a lot, their laugh was funny".

Dr. Stone smiles "Those are Hyenas not many people appreciate them, I know another woman who does maybe you will meet her, she is friends with Ivy".

I nod and watch as Dr. Stone stands up opening the door "Think about a name for yourself on our next visit I'd like to know who you are, pick a name that means something to you".

I nod standing and follow Ivy out the door to where we can eat.

Walking into the lunchroom I duck behind Ivy when everyone looks at me going quiet I bump into Dr. Stone and frown as she talks to the guard who nods and steps around us, "BACK TO YOUR MEAL NOW" he looks at Ivy and nods his head to go in "Ivy go on and help I'll make sure the guards know that if you touch her not to cause problems".

Ivy nods putting her hand on my back leading me to get food I look up and frown seeing the food I'm handed "Ivy I can't eat this" I whisper looking at her, She nods taking the tray and sits it to the side before grabbing another like hers handing it to me "Dr. Stone will make sure they know by dinner what you need to eat".

I nod following her to a back table by the wall she drops her tray and leans over looking at the guys in the seat "You're at my table" she hisses.

The guys rush away and she sits with her back to the wall, I go to sit till she points by her "Rule 1 never sit exposing your back, sit where you can see everyone around you".

I nod sitting by her "I don't like it here Ivy, it's uncomfortable no sunlight".

She nods and starts eating "I've been working on leaving, You're too young to be here so when I go to leave I'll take you with me".

I nod "Woodrue said that I have a mom somewhere in Gotham I came looking for her after he disappeared, he made me from her blood he had. Can you help me find her?

Ivy freezes and looks at me seeing I finished my food she quickly finishes her food and
motions for me to follow, I get up and follow her out of the lunchroom back to Dr. Stone's door as she knocks and looks around.

Dr. Stone opens the door and looks worried as Ivy rushes in with me sitting me down "We need a DNA test done, she says Woodrue made her with blood from another woman I was his first victim and I thought his last" Dr. Stone nods and motions for us to follow her.

We come to a room where there are beds with straps Ivy sits down and pats the bed helping me up on the bed as Dr. Stone talks to the nurses, they nod getting needles out I go to run only for Ivy to grab me rocking me "calm down little one, the nurse is a nice woman she just needs a little blood and will take some of mine so we can see if I'm your mom".

I look at Ivy crying as the nurse starts to draw my blood hearing Ivy start singing a lullaby I watch her as she singing before seeing her smile "All done little one now she needs my blood" I frown looking at my arm seeing a wrap on it.

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