Getting to my cell I look around as Ivy puts a seed in the door hing, she hands me one and I look up at her as she points to Croc in his cell.

I run over putting my empty hand on the plexiglass smiling up at him "Hi Croc, I found out Ivy's my mom".

He turns over and looks at me "Great" he smiles I lift my hand placing the seeds like I seen Ivy do, he comes to the door smiling "I seen that hatchling" he whispers, I smile and wave skipping back to Ivy by Harley's cell seeing Ivy nod at Croc and him nod back.

Ivy puts her arm around me holding me close "Flower I need you to stay with Harley, I have a few things I need to do can you help her?"

Looking to Harley I nod slowly as Harley comes over to us smiling and clapping "Gee Red ya trusting me with her?" I back up at the shocked look Harley has.

I look at Ivy unsure as she rubs my back "I trust Harley, she will watch you but if she tells you not to talk to someone stay away from them, There are very few Rogues I can say I sometimes trust around here I don't like them but I know they have lines they won't cross that involve children and even women".

I look at Harley who is bouncing excitedly, before I walk over to her watching Ivy go down a hallway away from us.

"Hey Little Red let go" I nod following her as she cartwheels down the hall laughing then does a few other flips I don't know, I watch her land standing straight with her arms tucked tight to her sides smiling.

"How'd you learn it?" I ask looking at her when I'm by her again.

She smiles motions to go and falls in step with me "I used to be a gymnast I almost went to the Olympics." she smiles looking proud tilting my head I look at her "I don't know what those are." her smiles drop and she looks sad.

"The moves where pretty" I add quickly seeing her nod with a sad smile.

I tug at my shirt nervously "Could you teach me?" I whisper.

She smiles looking at me and squeals clapping "I can teach cha!".

Nodding I watch her drag her hands over cell doors and greet people we come to a door with a brown blob in it that has a slight human look like he's melting.

I look at him confused as Harley stops to talk to him I don't pay attention to them till I hear her say "Red's kid".

I look at Harley confused "Come meet Clay".

I nod stepping closer and look up at the blob who suddenly seems to spin and look completely human "Hello mini Ivy what's your name?".

I shrug frowning looking at him "How'd you do that?".

He explains how he can change his looks to anything I nod watching him "Hyenas too?" I ask he laughs and spins again suddenly he looks like a hyena moving closer I look at him "That's so cool".

When he is back as a blob he bows "Thank you what are you calling yourself?".

I hum looking at him "Poison Oak, I don't have a name yet Ivy said we will figure it out soon".

He nods "It's nice to meet you Oak tell Ivy hello for me".

I nod waving bye when Harley says it's time to go, we pass a few more people Harley doesn't greet, coming to one where the guy has one side of his face messed up Harley smiles "Harvey my two favorite guys how are ya".

I frown at Harley then look at the cell for another person but see no one.

The guy smiles "Harleen it's nice to see you we are fine" he says then has a frown on his face "The fuck we are the food's shit who's the brat Harley, she shouldn't be in here".

Harley nods "That's Red's kid Poison Oak".

I watch as the guy seems to switch between smiling and frowning shaking his head he then tosses a coin and he settles with a frown standing in front of me "Brat shouldn't be in here, it's just a kid who the fuck put it here?" He demands.

I look at Harley who shrugs "This is Harvey he calls himself Two-Face because he has two personalities the nice friendly gentleman and the rude jerk side, he is possibly the only other Rogue beside me that Red would call a friend".

I nod seeing him frowning watching us before I start explaining what happened for me to be put in Arkham when he screams punching the glass "I'll fucking kill him!"

I jump back looking at Harley who laughs as the guy suddenly smiles looking at me "hey it's okay, we're upset a child has been put in here it's not safe.".

Nodding I back away some more and Harley gives him a sad smile when he looks sad "It's okay she just has to know ya".

He nods moving back and paces seeming to talk to himself.

"Let's head back I think you had more than enough excitement today," she says.

Following Harley back I frown watching her as we reach my cell, she sits outside the door and I push the bed closer to her before crawling in and curling up.

I feel her lay a blanket over me and push Shenzi closer to me "Just rest kid, ya Mom will be back soon I'll watch over ya" I hear her whisper before I fall asleep.

Poison OakWhere stories live. Discover now