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Seeing her come out I move over to her holding out the flowers she takes them smiling slightly "I was told to tell you that your eyes are really pretty, and I like how strong and confident you are".

"Who are these from?" She ask but I can tell she recognizes my outfit.

"There's a card" I say before rushing out.

Running back to Barbara I smile when I reach her and automatically lifting my hand out to her, She smiles taking my hand leading me away from the museum.

"I called Harley and spoke with your mom while you were in there"

I nod pulling my hood forward knowing my blend is gone I don't want to be seen "what'd momma say?"

"I let her know I'll watch you till she can get here and that I won't be doing anything else while you're here"

Nodding I skip by her happily till we reach a park she sits down and pats the ground by her dropping down by her, I look around the park at all the pretty plants "your family was worried about you Pansy, Your mom said her plants could sense you around but couldn't find you she was trying to find you, she was worried Batman got you till her plants told her what direction you where felt going in when you asked the plants for help, they told her where you were you shouldn't have ran off like that".

Nodding I look down "Why did you come here anyways, wanting to find me is strange".

"I seen something that reminded me of Uncle Croc"


"When I met him, he was snarling and growling at guards in Arkham but his eyes were wrong like he was sad so I showed him my hyena toy Dr. Stone gave me, your picture on TV it had the same look but your eyes were sad, when Huntress got me more of you they had the same thing you looked mad but you're eyes were sad"

"I'm not sad kid" she says to calmly.

Nodding I look up at her "Your eyes are like mine you feel sad and alone I know momma says she's happy she found me but I feel like I ruined her life, she had to leave Gotham and Aunt Harley and Kitty followed they don't get to do what they like anymore, because of me Uncle Croc found his real family and doesn't need me anymore but you're like me alone and different".

"Why did you push for me to give Diana flowers?"

"Because I know momma's coming to get me and I don't want you to be alone, she's alone too she just hides it better but her eyes like everyone tell the truth. When you were fighting her I seen she looked really upset about it, but she's under Superman and his self righteous believe she doesn't get to see or hear anything from a different view, he was someone similar enough to her that she latched onto that"

She sighs leaning back on the ground "kid you shouldn't worry about everyone else, you need to be a kid and let your family take care of you".

"I was made by the guy who hurt momma I maybe his child too because a clone would have matching DNA, we are similar enough that she's my mom but I know I'm a reminder of him. I know and understand a lot of things, Aunt Harley says I'm a Poindexter to smart for my own good so simple things I have trouble understanding"

Looking at her I see her nod while looking at me "like crushes are one of the simple things because it doesn't make sense, I can recognize someone feeling it I just don't understand why they are, it's just a chemical reaction in their mind like when I smell certain scents it either makes me calm, happy, sad, or something. I can tell if someone's lying to me or if someone's about to hurt me, they cant control everything about their body there are these tiny unnoticed twitches and ticks that happen but I notice them".

"You can read body language?"

"When I met Batman, Robin, and Batgirl I was scared Batman looked at me like I was nasty or something to get rid of, Robin was excited to fight me, but Batgirl looked worried about me she moved to step closer, but Batman grabbed my arm it was sore from before I was attacked there. I grabbed his hand trying to make him let go and he tightened his hold on me and I bit him, that made him let go before I could react because I was hurting, Robin jumped on me after I hurt him then Batgirl attacked me she was mad I hurt them"

Looking down I pick at my pants nervously "Robin pinned me to the ground at one point his face was near my ear and he told me I was a freak so hurting me is acceptable because no one cares about freaks".

I feel Barbara put her arm around me pulling me to her while rubbing my back "I was finally able to get out of that lab I thought I'd finally be safe I was going to find my momma, but I got pushed around or ignored the whole way then I'm hurt by the people everyone calls heros. I just knew my momma's old name but I was going to try to find her, I had my file to show her I was telling the truth but I got sent to Arkham and my file was taken by Batman, I didn't have my proof I was lucky momma was there and decided to help me".

"Have you told your mom any of this?" She asks.

I shake my head moving back to wipe my eyes "no I caused her enough trouble showing up, then I caused us to wreck the car because I thought she wasn't going to let me have food, I try to act like I'm perfectly happy and that nothing's wrong for her".

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