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Seeing Mom and Aunt Harley coming in with Batwoman and a girl dressed similar to Wonder woman, coming in behind them is Aunt Kitty and Uncle Croc.

Shaking off Luthers hands I run ducking under or around people before slamming into moms leg, she quickly picks me up hugging my as I grab Aunt Harley's shirt so she can't leave "it's okay little flower" she whispers after I cry apologizing for sneaking off to meet Cheetah.

She gets me to raise up and wipes my eyes "it's okay flower it's good that you did, I'll explain later just calm down" she says softly.

I nod cuddling up her feeling Aunt Harley touching my hand getting my fingers unwrapped from her shirt.

"Ya got big Little Red" she says laughing.

Smiling slightly I point to Cheetah "she's been taking me running in the morning for sun time or making me read books on the patio and giving me drinks that help me grow" I whisper glancing at Cheetah.

Harley nods patting mom on her back "see Red I told ya Cheetah would take care of her".

Mom nods pressing a kiss to my head "I know Harls, but I was worried about Batman getting her".

"Come meet my friends?" I ask looking at them.

Mom nods looking around the room frowning "who are your friends?"

Giggling I turn pointing "Cheetah, WW, Jinx, Raven, Luther, Batwoman, and Lois" I say before pointing to Giganta and Supergirl "I met them today but they are maybe friends".

"Maybe friends?" Mom asks.

Nodding I smile "yes maybe friends not sure yet, but they been really nice" blushing I tug my shirt "they are really pretty" I add whispering.

Mom sighs shaking her head as Aunt Harley laughs "hi Aunt Kitty, Uncle Croc" I say waving at them before mom heads to Cheetah.

Being brought over she hands me my water bottle she keeps on her, taking it I drink some before she takes it back nodding "she's able to bend longer now".

Mom smiles at her nodding before glancing at WW by her "I was wrong assuming you would hand her over to Batman" she says before looking at Cheetah "thank you for taking care of her".

A few hours later

Stepping into Cheetah's place I run to my room pulling mom with me showing her the room "it was a guest room but Barbara says it's mine and helped me decorate it" I say showing off posters of my friends and family.

Moving to the vanity she put in I point out everything she put in before showing my clothes to her.

"She got me clothes for when I blend, I tried to use my money but she kept saying no and WW brought me stuff to"

"You said tank you right?" She asks.

I nod looking up at her smiling "yes momma oh we watched lots of movies" I say suddenly pulling her back to the living room pointing to the movie's "she even has some that are plays I got to watch, but I wasn't allowed to watch the scary movies because she didn't want me to have nightmares".

Mom nods as I lead her to the kitchen pointing at the stool "she lets me help cook too, I had to wear gloves but I helped".

Mom laughs putting her hand over my mouth as I ramble on about everything I did helping Barbara cook "I see she's taken great care of you and protects you".

I nod bouncing in front of her pushing her hand away "she almost attacked WW when she found her in her with me the day she told me about Lois Lane releasing the video, I had to calm her down. Oh I helped her with a plan I pointed out two cameras she missed but she's hasn't do it yet, because she said she was happy to hang out with me then all this happened, and she promised to be good while we deal with this" I say rambling.

Mom lifts me up walking to the living room sitting down placing me between her and Cheetah as Aunt Harley rushes up picking me up, before sitting between them holding me turning I stretch out over them seeing Grace take a photo before joining us.

"This is the most energetic she's been since we see you on the news being arrested" Barbara says smiling at me "she perked up a bit when Grace got here, but at one point I was worried I'd have to force her to eat" she adds.

"Barbara let me listen to a singer called Cher, I like her" I say speaking up.

Aunt Harley laughs before turning on the news for updates seeing an alert for something happening live, I frown watching a woman who looks like she's dressed like a bird clawing at WW screaming something was hers "oh God this one's back?" Harley says laughing.

"Who's she?" I ask frowning.

"Someone who took my jewel" Cheetah says frowning I laugh when she suddenly gets up, rushing out the emergency door snarling as Cheetah.

"That's Magpie she's some bird obsessed theif with a shiny fetish"

"Harley she doesn't need to hear that" Mom says glaring at her making me laugh.

"THATS MY JEWEL BITCH" turning to the TV I see Cheetah chasing after Magpie who screams trying to dodge her claws as WW looks confused before going after Magpie.

Laughing I watch as Magpie screams for some someone to hurry up the camera moves showing a woman on a motorcycle laughing as she heads to them yanking Magpie on with her.

"Of course they team up their fetish work together great" Aunt Harley says laughing.

"What's a fetish?" I finally ask.

Grace shakes her head making me look at her "nothing you need to know about right now, maybe when your older" she says before glaring at Harley.

"I'll fucking kill you" Cheetah screams getting to her feet, I gasp seeing her jump on the motorcycle making it crash.

She struggles standing and I look at Mom for help she sighs before nodding getting up we rush down the emergency exit, taking the car Grace rented to the museum before we run in making people scream seeing Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

"Flowers handle Cheetah while we help with them"

I nod looking around spotting Cheetah holding a jewel snarling at everyone, moving closer I keep my hands visible pulling my arm up to my chest cradling it "Cheetah" I call out.

Her eyes snap to me as I make myself start crying holding my arm close to my chest "I fell down my arm hurts" I whimper trying to get her to snap from territory guarding to focus on me.

She looks around untrusting while keeping her hand around the jewel before looking at me "Cheetah Please it hurts" I say crying louder.

She shoots forward grabbing me up tucking me to her side still guarding but at least I'm closer, so I can work without upsetting her as she checks my arm confused.

Reaching up I start my normal routine of calming her hearing WW Tell someone to leave us alone or Cheetah will attack.

"Cheetah you have to give WW the jewel back or she will have to arrest you and take you away from me" I whisper.

She shakes her head trying to get free without hurting me as I latch on "no pretty kitty, I need you here your my best friend and sister that means you protect me and teach me but you can't if your in jail".

2 hours later

Sitting on Cheetahs side I ignore that everything's been handled so far including the girls who were stealing the jewel. WW, Mom, and Aunt Harley have been keeping everyone back while I calmed Cheetah.

Sliding off I smile watching her stand up lifting me up making her was to WW her hand holding the jewel close glancing around.

"Cheetah you have to give it back remember you put stealing and fighting WW on hold to help me" I say softly.

Her hand shakes as she nods snarling at WW before handing over the jewel.

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