Standing up after my meditation exercise I walk over grabbing my wooden sword before facing Diana, she nods with a serious look on her face "follow" she says calmly before leading me threw movements.

Once she believes I've gotten it down she nods "now use them to attack" she orders before swinging hers almost hitting my head.

Ducking down I charge her trying to slip between her legs but get kicked back.

Rolling across the ground I groan getting up and lifting my sword "a smaller target is useful however hand to hand is not your aim, you need to learn how to escape and only fight when you have no choice" she says motioning for me to try again.

Nodding I glance around quickly trying to find an escape seeing nothing and knowing my plants are not meant to be involved right now I frown at her.

"Find your exit" she orders while attacking me.

Rolling across the ground I scramble kicking at her, getting my leg grabbed and being lifted
into the air by her.

Hissing I claw at her face but catch her arm and get dropped I jump up running for the door only to be caught in her lasso and yanked back.

Wiggling around to lift it slightly I push it off seeing she's blocked the door, crouching down like Cheetah I hiss flexing my fingers like her.

"You're obvious exist failed choose again" she orders.

Frowning I look around quickly "your opponent won't go easy on you they see a weapon to control you will have to fight how they will, find a weakness and use it".

My eyes land on her mom and I charge at her but get thrown back "you're to obvious try again" she orders.

Getting up I grunt focusing on the plants pulling them in to form a wall between us before it pushes her back, while I grab onto her Mom using my sword arm to press against her throat "door please Queenie" I say sweetly.

She hums pulling me off her back easily "free her before she hurts your friends".

Nodding I get the plants to retreat and see Diana on the ground she raises up looking at me "you're not supposed to use the plants" she says sighing.

"You said I'd have to find a weakness I did, emotions can be used as a weakness I used plants
for a distraction and got to my target" I answer defensively.

"You need to be prepared for an event where you can not use them, this does not help you"

"I'll keep seeds on me" I say in a defensively screechy voice like Harley.

"Plants are a weakness for you and you mimick everyone" Diana says frowning "far to easily, you pick up things from everyone your around quickly" she adds softly.

Huffing I shrug while tossing my wooden sword over my shoulders similar to Queenie "what's that mean?"

"Pansy do not release your sword no matter what" Diana says calmly.

Frowning I screech when I'm yanked up holding onto my sword tightly before I'm swung
around, feeling my hand slipping I twist my body pulling my legs to my chest and kicking Diana in the chest launching us apart.

Hitting the ground in a crouch I hiss sliding backwards while my claws dig into the ground with my sword pointed out to my side "What was that for?" I demand standing up.

"Where did you learn that stance?" She asks.

"TV, I seen you do it once" I answer defensively.

"How did you learn to hold your sword over your shoulders?"

"Queenie obviously, it's how she stands when explaining something to me during training"

"Clawing at your opponent?"

"Aunt Kitty and Cheetah" I hiss.



She nods pacing back and forth in front of me "you learn everything more quickly, you can learn something from seeing it done and quickly start using it yourself".

"Not true, I seen Momma blend in and I had trouble controlling it"
"Yes, but you understood it and was trying to get it down yourself" she says.

Hearing knocking I look up seeing Diana huff before open the door letting someone in "Hello
Tawney" she says before walking back to stand in front of me.

"Oak" she calls looking at me.

Running at her I swing my sword getting blocked but kick her leg before jumping back from her swing "WW" I call out laughing before spinning in a circle hitting her wrist with my sword She frowns looking at me "you kicked me?" She asks sounding amused.

Shrugging I smile when she motions to the visitors "let's go talk to your visitors".

Nodding I follow her over and sit on the ground "I'm here with Poison Oak and Wonder Woman" she says smiling at the camera "so tell us WW what's going on here?" She asks smiling.

"Teaching Oak self defense in case she's attacked again so she can escape"

"What's training with the Amazon's like?" She asks me excitedly.

"They are rough and if I didn't know better I'd think they are using full strength on me" I
answer laughing.

"How are you liking being here?"

She asks sitting on the ground across from me "It's fun, all the plants are happy they found a way to exist in peacefully with them they clear away any dying plants, use plants for building stuff but replace it and rotate their harvesting areas they have very advanced things but it doesn't harm nature"

"That's important to you?" She ask.

"Yes ma'am, I don't think anyone understands why Momma gets so upset when they destroy nature, I didn't understand why I'd feel pain and hear crying till I escaped from the lab, I felt their pain and heard them begging for help but no one hears it" I answer looking down at the floor.

"That must be scary to feel and hear that how do you handle it?" She asks not smiling anymore.

"I thought about following Momma's lead and fighting to protect them but she wouldn't let me, I got to watch some fights Momma had trying and I seen Batman attack plants she wasn't
even using, he's attacked her for being out healing others and killed them because she helped

"You know your mom's hurt people while trying to save the planet right?" She asks.

Feeling WW place her hand on my shoulder I look up glaring at Tawney "I do and if anyone
looked into her crimes everyone was involved with killing plants, she's never harmed anyone not involved or children she is Gaia's chosen protector a queen of nature" I say hissing slightly.

"Calm down Oak she's mortal remember, they don't understand what you feel" Queenie says.

Taking a deep breath I close my eyes trying to calm down "I am sorry, I know what my Momma has done but you could never understand the situation unless you could feel it yourself, it's like someone has attacked you and constantly gets away with it and continues to do it, you see her being dramatic and hateful but to her she's fighting back trying to stop someone who's hurting us can we please talk about something else".

She nods looking at the plants pulling back out "Right, who all have you met?" She asks nervously.

"In Arkham I met Clayface he's funny and turned into a Hyena for me, and Twoface he was
confusing to me because he called me little plant girl sometimes and was really nice then he would call me an it or plant brat, he was never really mean to me when he was mean to everyone that's also where I met Aunt Harley and Uncle Croc"

"What about after you escaped?"

"Aunt Kitty, Momma had her hanging in the air held by a vine before letting her go, she gave me a kitten, then I met Cheetah, WW, Lexie Boy, and Bane"

"You mean Lex Luther?"

Nodding I smile "Cheetah took me to L.O.D because she had to pick up somethings she left and I was looking threw her office when he came in, when I met Bane he scared me, Cheetah an Lex almost attacked him thinking he hurt me, then I met lots more when I was interviewed by Lois Lane".

"There's a video of you throwing a camera at Cyborg what happened there?"

Shrugging I blush "he is loud and hyper I'm not use to it normally Aunt Harley calms down or leaves me alone when she gets overwhelming, but he doesn't I couldn't handle it anymore I was going to shove the camera down his throat but was stopped so I threw it at him, that was the first time I tried my second I had to promise not to do that anymore".

"Would you say you have a temper?" She asks smiling.

"Yes but every kid does I just happened to have Meta human abilities if you seen a human child get upset and throw something in a fit or bite someone when scared you wouldn't put them in Arkham or call them evil, I'm 9 or maybe 10 I've spent my life locked in a lab being hurt and experimented on I get overwhelmed and scared, Aunt Harley says my emotional
growth is stunted but I'm making progress"

"Can you tell me anything about your thoughts or feelings when you got out of that lab?"

"It was nighttime I'd never seen the sky or stars and moon I stood there a long time just looking at it but it was really loud to, I couldn't ask for help because everyone ignored me like I was invisible I almost believed I was till a guy knocked me down and told me watch where I was going before walking away"

Poison OakWhere stories live. Discover now