I wake hearing screaming, gunfire, and alarms ringing "I got you flower don't worry" I hear Ivy say before hearing heavy breathing and a high-pitched cackle I've learned is Harley laughing.

Hearing a door open I feel myself pushed in "Stay down don't get up."

After more doors open and close I feel us moving, hearing sirens and someone yelling for us to pull over, sliding along the seat I grab on to stop moving. "where we gonna go Red?"

"Just get us out to a hide-out Harley then I'll tell you." I hear Ivy say.

I flinch hearing a bang and something fly over me that leaves a burning heat over my face before it hits the door I reach up covering the spot hearing Ivy gasps I feel someone grab my hand moving it then letting go before Ivy screams "YOU FUCKING MEATSACKS I'LL

Hearing metal being crushed I cover my mouth "Just hold on flower, we lost them, we have to ditch the car."

I feel the car stop and someone grabs me holding me close "It's okay flower we have to run now, we are leaving Dr. Stone's car where it can be found and returned to her."

I nod shaking, while feeling the tiny vines that run along Ivy's skin on my face as they run.

"It's okay my little flower momma has you, you're safe."

Clinging tighter to her I nod, hearing a grunt and a door open I look up at the room we are in as Harley turns the light on "Okay flower, Croc left ahead of us in the parking lot he should be along soon, we are going to stay here waiting for him then we will get out of Gotham completely."

I nod as Harley digs in some cabinets pulling out a large map "Red I found it where we gonna go?"

Ivy moves over to her still holding me as she looks at the map "We need somewhere that has swamp land where Croc can feel at home."

Harley nods looking at the map "How about Louisiana? Swamps, warm weather, and plants, if we go to New Orleans then all that and great food options".

I see Ivy nod "Perfect that's where we will go."

Hearing something land on the rooftop Ivy sits me down, as the door rattles and opens I hear a hiss as vines shoot out grabbing the person "What the hell are you doing here".

I see a woman upside down wrapped in vines "Well that's not how you should greet friends." she says in purr.

I watch the vine drop the woman and she turns landing on her feet in a crouch, before standing up in a smooth glide "Batman and I had a fight when I found out he placed a child in Arkham's rogue gallery, I was out with Batwoman when we overheard him tell Nightwing you two and Croc escaped with a child so I came to check on you two and find out about this child".

Moving closer to Ivy I grab her leg and stay behind her, the woman looks at me and squats down in front of me "Hello what's your name?"

I look to Ivy and Harley seeing they're relaxed about the woman I peek at her "Poison Oak" I whisper.

Feeling Ivy's hand on my back she gently nudges me out "It's okay flower she trusted".

I nod stepping out sniffing at her frowning, then giggle when the woman mimics me "I'm Cat Woman to Gotham but you can call me Aunt Kitty" she says smiling.

I nod looking back at Ivy "Momma where's Shenzi?"

She jumps looking shocked and looks at Harley frantically, Harley grabs it off the counter behind her "I remembered to grab it Little Red, can't leave ya friend behind".

I smile when mom hands it to me "You called me momma." she says.

I blush looking down "Sorry Ivy I just thought it would be okay since Dr. Stone said you were and you called yourself momma".

She smiles pulling me close and hugs me "It's more than okay Flower."

I hear a hum and look at Aunt Kitty "Well that explains some things, her looks I don't understand she looks like you but vastly different."

Ivy looks at me moving my hair from my face "Seems Woodrue created her, she's my daughter probably his as well, he used the same experiment on her that he did me but mixed in reptile as well".

Kitty nods looking at me "At least she looks like you same red hair, same green eyes, same looks just more reptilian".

I tilt my head and sniff at her again frowning "What's that smell on you?"

She looks at me confused "What do you mean my perfume?"

I shake my head no "It smells like the things in the park I tried to find but couldn't".

She frowns as I reach up pulling a hair from her outfit and sniffing it "This, what's it from?"

She looks at the hair and chuckles "Oh that's cat fur from my cats".

I tilt my head "What's a cat?"

She perks up smiling "Oh I can show you, I'll get you one wait just a moment".

I watch as she rushes out then looks at Mom and Harley "Why did she leave?"

Mom smiles holding her hand out to me "Went to find a cat knowing her, now I have a lab here, I need to draw some blood and other stuff from you".

I look at her unsure but take her hand following "Why momma?" I ask.

We reach the lab and she lifts me on the table "I know it's scary but I will talk you threw everything, we need to know your powers, if you release toxins and if so I need to ensure Harley and Croc are immune to you and that Cat hoarder as well I guess".

I nod letting her start "What's a cat hoarder momma?"

She smirks at me "A cat hoarder is the woman you met".

I shrug then nod accepting her answer "Aunt Kitty is a cat hoarder" I repeat.

She laughs nodding "Yes exactly." I hear the door open and stomping as mom finishes she walks me back to the living room where I see Croc, he smiles waving at me I giggle running to him "Momma says I'm not poison but could grow into it".

Climbing up by him I take his hand looking at it "That's cool." he says.

I nod "I like not being the only one like me." He nods but as the door opens he jumps up and grabs me putting me behind him growling till he sees Aunt Kitty I see him relax "Cat." he grunts at her.

She smirks at him then looks at me "I got you one, I have kittens ready for a new home at my house".

I smile running over looking at the small black kitten sniffing at it "That's what I smelled in the park?" I ask as I carefully take the kitten looking it over sniffing it more "It's a girl if you promise to take care of her and love her you can keep her".

I nod and look to Mom holding out the kitten to her "Keep?"

She nods "Yes I will have to give her a treatment to make her immune to poisons but you can keep her."

Poison OakWhere stories live. Discover now