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Next day

Sitting on the couch watching the news I sigh tilting my head back Barbara had to go down to the lobby because someone was here for her but it's been a while.

Hearing the patio door slide open I frown glaring at WW "Where's Cheetah?"

"Barbara was called to the lobby but it's been a while, I don't have a key to work the elevator" I mumble.

"The emergency door?"

Getting up I walk over to the door near the elevator pulling the handle up before throwing my hands out to my sides looking at her "I can't lift the handle enough I'm to short".

"I have spoken with Black Canary"

"Okay" I mumble going back to the couch sitting down.

She sighs sitting down by me "Renee asked her wife to see if she could find any other information on you she brought her a folder full of information on you".

"I have a copy now, Batwoman is also upset about the video she found of the night you were sent to Arkham They sent it as well"

Nodding I grab the remote change the channel "the information has found it's way to Lois Lane".

"Why's that matter?"

"She's a reporter she's going to release the story and video"

Hearing the emergency door slam open Cheetah stands snarling at WW "Kid come over here".

Getting up I cartwheel dodging WW trying to stop me before moving behind Cheetah "get out Diana" she orders blocking me.

"Barbara, she was telling me that some Reporter lady has gotten video of what happened to me the night I was sent to Arkham" I say softly placing my hand on her arm.

"You're not taking her away from me" she snarls at WW.

"Barbara" WW says slowly keeping her body relaxed completely.

"Now I'm Barbara?" Cheetah says laughing "I do not need your pitty ever again".

Frowning I watch as Cheetah gets more angry when WW speaks she seems almost paranoid with how she's looking around, watching everything around her she keeps checking on me most.

"Cheetah is like a real cheetah paranoid and skittish when she's worked up she's has trouble calming down they are like two different people" I smile hearing Aunt Harley's voice in my mind from when she was telling me about Barbara/Cheetah.

Keeping my hand limp I reach out again placing it on her back she stiffens glancing at me, I lift my arms up silently asking for attention patiently waiting till she picks me up.

Smiling I cuddle up to her scratching at her neck like I do my kitten "you look pretty" I say softly to her.

Glancing at WW I roll my eyes seeing her tensing up "before you act stupid get out of WW mood and be Diana, she literally has Cheetah qualities including Paranoia and finding WW alone with a child in her care has her on guard".

"She's dangerous"

"So are you so is my family but I trust them over you since you are upsetting Barbara, now either change or get out" I order trying to imitate mom.

Turning back to Cheetah I hear the bathroom door close I smile moving between her ears "can we sit down?" I ask.

When she finally gives in to sitting down but keeping me close I keep petting her moving to her head, making her slowly relax "Diana come out but do not be loud and stay back".

Hearing the door Cheetah tenses up watching her I point to the far couch "sit, keep your hands visible, and body relaxed".

Getting Cheetah relaxed again I smile at her "see pretty kitty cat no threat it's okay".

"How are you calming her?"

"A cat is still a cat no matter what size I focused on what relaxes a cat once I got threw I her mind could focus, you would think being a hero would require knowledge of mental health issues 9 out of 10 times villains have them and Paranoia is the most common, since even if the villain is not actively doing anything you heros still harass them, and you are constantly messing with her, following her, and coming into her home uninvited to her Cheetah mind you are invading her territory challenging and threatening her"

Seeing her frown I huff looking at Cheetah "did you know that cheetahs while they are the fastest of the feline family they are skittish of everything, because their territory is getting smaller from Humans invading it and they are the smallest of the large cat breeds their speed and Paranoia keeps them safe".

Taking a deep breath I look at her frowning "You have tormented someone who only ever wanted to be noticed and accepted but you pittied her, your attention was for someone you seen as pathetic and an annoyance later, she wanted to be stronger so you would see her as an equal but still you seen someone less then you, she's exactly what the world made her including you theres only some much someone can take before they can't take anymore so do not move or try to leave till I get Barbara back".

A few hours later

I smile hearing Barbara singing in the shower since I made Diana swear not to do anything on her honor as a princess Barbara relaxed enough to shower and change.

She finally comes in wearing pajamas and sits by me turning on the news "um kid this might be a problem" she says slowly.

Looking at the tv I freeze seeing mugshots of Mom, and Aunt Harley getting up I run grabbing my phone calling Grace.

She answers on the first ring "what happened?" I ask crying.

"Batman happened he kept demanding to know where you are I guess he thought I was hostage she used her pheromones on, and sprayed me with something I've called Selina, she's wiring me Money to rent a car I'll be there as soon as possible now put your friend on the phone for me sweetie"

Wiping my eyes I hand the phone to Barbara "What happened?" WW asks squatting down in front of me.

"Batman found them, he arrested them and was demanding to know where I am, he thought Grace was a hostage and let her go" I whisper sadly.

Barbara comes over picking me up rocking me "it's Okay kid I got you, when Grace gets here I'll keep you both safe till your mom can come for you".

Nodding I press my face to her neck "Diana do not stand in my way, he has targeted a child".

She sighs and I look up seeing her looking at me "I'll help you protect her she's innocent".

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