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Seeing Mom I run to her hugging her leg sighing as I feel her hand on my back "hello flower" she says before lifting me up to her hip "I see the Amazons got you into a dress" she says in a teasing voice.

Huffing I glare at her crossing my arms "Amazons are a warrior clan, the dress is built for the best movements in battle" I answer trying to convince myself the dress is okay "where's Aunt Harley and Kitty?" I ask looking around.

"Being treated for injuries"

Trying to turn I look around spotting the queen pointing at her "Queenie where's my aunts please?" I ask.

She looks at me for a moment and I keep eye contact refusing to back down "Diana tried that on me Queenie, I don't back down" I answer smirking.

She points before walking off and I squirm till Mom tightens her hold on me "I'll take you in but you can't touch them till I finish making them immune to you".

Nodding I point to the building, getting in Mom sits my down and I tilt my head listening "you mother fucker that hurts" Aunt Harley screams.

Smiling I follow her voice till I reach the room seeing a woman pass I point to the door holding my hands up nervously "could you open it?"

She nods opening it for me and I run in calling back thank you "Aunt Harley, Momma says watching your damn language" I say smugly ignoring Mom's groan because Aunt Harley starts laughing.

"Hey Little Red where's my hugs" she asks holding her arms out, Mom grabs my shoulder even though I don't move closer.

"I'm poison, can't touch till I won't hurt you" I say nervously.

"Geeze you are turning into a complete copy of Red, I guess I'll wait till your Mom fixes me and then get my hug"

I nod glancing at her "how bad did you get hurt?" I ask frowning.

"Not bad just need some stitches, a cast, my nose had to be reset, and the normal bruises need to heal I've had worse" she's says waving it off.


"Was fighting some guy that's calling himself Batman two and got caught in a rogue wave of Jinx's pink glow when I tried to flip, I got a slight hit of bad luck on top of the good luck, I ended up knocking out two people but broke my wrist and got cut on pieces of glass"

Giggling I nod before moving to the door that's left open "going to find Aunt Kitty and I know Momma no touching anyone or anything" I add before running out making my way further down the hall seeing another woman messing with doctor stuff, I step closer keeping my head down "excuse me ma'am, could you please help me find my Aunt Kitty she came in from a fight with Batman, she dresses in black leather".

She nods leading me to the room opening the door for me "thank you ma'am" I say before moving in seeing Aunt Kitty out of her leather and sharp gloves.

"Hi Aunt Kitty, I can't touch anyone" I say softly.

She chuckles looking at me before flinching in pain "that's okay kitten, I don't think I can handle being hugging right now but when I can I expect my hug"

Nodding I look her over frowning "how bad?" I ask.

"Not bad kitten, I'm a cat remember nine lives and they just kicked me around a little"


"Batgirl but she got a reminder of why you don't mess with a alley cat"

"What did you do?" I ask excitedly.

"I unmasked her while clawing her face and I heard news reports about it on the way here, everyone is demanding justice and it's caused the police chief to start being blamed"

"Why him?" I ask confused.

"He's her Uncle and adopted father so her actions reflect on him and people are questioning if he's fit for his job now with how he raised her, it's unfair to him because we know that's all batman's influence but she's being watched by everyone now"

Nodding I smile at her "it's weird seeing you without a guard, where's Cheetah?"

Shrugging I scuff my shoes on the floor "don't know but I think it's almost time for my special drink so she should find me soon".

"Kid" I hear Cheetah say.

Turning I see her shaking my water bottle before sitting it down "drink up" she says nodding to the bottle.

Grabbing it I hum before tasting it "it taste better when you use the blender" I say shrugging.

"Yeah well best I can do but I upped the plant food in it" she says while leaning on the wall.

"You feed her plant food?" Aunt Kitty asks.

"Yes mixed with childrens protein shakes it's helped her grow more and she's spent a lot of time in the sun when we ran"

"I can't believe I didn't think of that" Aunt Kitty says flinching slightly while trying to adjust how she's laying "You know Dead shot right Cheetah?" She adds.

"Of him, never really interacted with him preferred to avoid it since if you offend him, he could kill you and you'd never even see it coming" Cheetah answers.

"He showed up at the fight he caught Batman in a weak spot on the side of his suit and grazed his face but that was because Superman hit him at the right moment"

Cheetah nods "I figured when all this reached him he would be seen fighting for her, he's supposed to have a child himself".

"Who's dead shot?" I ask.

"A hit man, cost a lot but once you pay for him then who you want killed is dead, even the more insane villains try to avoid getting on his bad side"

"So Batman would be dead if Superman hadn't helped him?" I ask frowning.

"Yes that's the first time I've ever heard of him missing his target and he only did because a super powered meta interfered"

"Will he be mad about that?" I ask.

"Kid he won't accept it, if he got away he's most likely planning on creating a bullet specially made for him"

Nodding I take a drink before frowning "but he doesn't have weaknesses, so how can a bullet hurt him I seen him shot and it bounces off him on the TV".

"He has multiple weakness that people tend to forget about unless it's the obvious one of kryptonite there's, the red sun, his super hearing, he can't see threw lead, atomic radiation, he's even been affected by scarecrow's fear toxins, livewire has beaten him because their high voltage power, magic so he won't target Zatana in a fight, he can get sick like us, mind control, and people he loves there maybe more but those are what I can remember right now" Aunt Kitty says frowning.

"He'll try to make a bullet with kryptonite, radiation, or fear toxins if he does that unless he gets help then he may make multiple with different stuff or mixes" Cheetah say shrugging.

Nodding I look up seeing Mom come in with Aunt Harley "how's it going Cat?" Mom asks.

"Fine, we were trying to figure out how Dead shot will get Superman for costing him his shot on Batman"

"Don't talk about that in front of Little Flower" Mom says coming over to me picking me up.

"Please Kitten has helped me with surveillance when I was checking out the security of a museum" Aunt Kitty says smirking.

"Same, but I didn't know she was going to when we got to the L.O.D I was checking my blueprints and she pointed out two new cameras I didn't know about" Cheetah says laughing.

Seeing Mom narrow her eyes at me I hum drinking my drink looking away from her "why are you helping them plan robberies?" She asks.

"Not Momma, but I seen that their maps wasn't done right, it made me itchy also I pointed it out and stopped feeling itchy"

Hearing Aunt Harley laughing I look at her "I told you, she has OCD" she says.

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