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Hearing my stomach growl I blush more hearing her laugh "do you want some breakfast?"

I nod glancing at her seeing her smile and drop down squatting beside me "jump on and we can head back".

Climb on her back I feel her hands wrap around my legs before she takes off running giggling I watch the trees pass in a blur, reaching an area more people are she slows to a light jog till we reach the city again putting me down I adjust my hood so my face is hidden.

She holds her hand out to me and I grab it following her to a restaurant scrambling into a booth she sits across from me, when the waitress comes she orders a large meal then looks at me "can I have a breakfast sandwich with lots of meat, a big bowl of the freshest fruit you have, and water please?" I ask softly seeing the woman nod before she walks off.

"Where's your mom coming from?" She asks.

"New Orleans"

"You're far from home" she says shaking her head.

Hearing the door open I glance up seeing a woman with pretty black hair and bright blue eyes her eyes land on Barbara narrowing.

I hear her sigh tapping her fingers on the table as the woman comes up "Barbara" she says with a fake smile.

Keeping my head down while trying to discreetly glance at her Barbara nods not looking at her "Diana" she says calmly.

"What are you up to?"

"I am babysitting this kid while her mother is on a trip" Barbara says calmly.

"Wonder Woman" I whisper glancing at her again.

Her eyes snap to me as she frowns "are you a fan of Wonder Woman?" She asks switching to a friendly smile.

"She's cool I guess, but I like Cheetah more" I say shrugging slightly.

Her smile drops slightly "you like Cheetah more than Wonder Woman, why is that?" She asks glaring at Barbara for a moment.

"Wonder Woman seems like she's judgemental if you don't agree with her completely or worship her she will treat you like your bad or beneath her" I say frowning "plus Cheetah is really pretty and fluffy like she would be nice to cuddle up to" I add on seeing Barbara smile proudly.

Seeing our food come she smiles at Diana "that's our order we would like to eat with being questioned please".

Seeing her walk away I look up slightly at Barbara "who's your mom anyway?" She asks softly.

"Harley's best friend" I mumble.

She frown for a moment then nods "the one she calls Red".

I nod smiling slightly before eating halfway through my food I jump grabbing my bag opening it I pull out a stuffed bear dressed like an alligator holding it out to her "this is yours" I say happily.

She nods taking the bear sitting it on the table by the wall digging in my bag again, I pull out my wallet frowning as I open it before shrugging I go to pull out some money.

Feeling a hand grab mine I look up at Barbara seeing her shake her head "you don't need to pay, I got it".

I nod blushing as I put my wallet back in my bag "What are you doing today?" I ask nervously.

"I was planning on robbing the museum but that will have to wait while you're here"

"Sorry" I mumble looking down.

"Don't worry about it, I get to meet my biggest fan"

"Do you like Wonder Woman?" I ask suddenly.

Her eyes widen looking at me "what?" She asks.

"I think my Aunt Harley likes my mom like a crush, I also think Grace does to for Mom and Aunt Harley. I was wondering if you liked Wonder Woman like that?" I say babbling.

"Why do you want to know that?" She asks.

"Because I was wondering what a crush feels like I asked Aunt Harley and she just said magic and hitting someone with her bat, but that doesn't really tell me anything, Grace just changed the subject"

"A crush is different for everyone, sometimes you're overly nice to them and forgive them for anything they do that hurts you, sometimes you're mean to them trying to get their attention, or sometimes yourstomach feels like you something is flying around in it and your heart beats fast"

I nod smiling at her "you always mess with Wonder Woman, being mean to her so that means you have a crush on her".

She sighs looking at me "sure kid" she eventually says.

"Maybe we can show her you like her without you being mean, Mom always gives Aunt Harley something she likes normally new weapons or something pretty, so we should get her pretty flowers and give them to her that's what the lady did in one of the movies Aunt Harley let me watch"

"Why send her flowers?"

"Aunt Canary says flowers are pretty and girls like pretty things she also said saying a girl is pretty is nice but sometimes, they want to be told something else like about them as a person that's nice about them"

"Canary as in Black Canary?"

I nod smiling happily "yea her, Huntress, and Renee helped Aunt Harley when she got away from the green haired guy, so we need to get pretty flowers for her"

"I'm not getting her flowers"

Sighing I nod looking down "okay but the other movie's idea you won't like" I say softly.

"And what's that?" She asks frowning.

"There's a hero girl and a criminal girl, the criminal starts giving everything back that she stole to get a hero's attention"

"That's not happening" Barbara says shaking her head.

"Okay so a stuffed animal, chocolate everyone likes those, oh you could write her a pretty note" I list.

"Your set on trying to set me up with her, why?"

"I'm your biggest fan and leader of your fan club" I answer nodding before I continue to list off ideas for showing Wonder Woman that she likes her.

Barbara leans forward covering my mouth "okay we can go with flowers" she says shaking her head.

Nodding I follow her to the counter while she pays for the food before holding her hand out I take it following her out.

"It needs to be pretty flowers but not roses Aunt Kitty says those are over done"

She nods leading me to a flower shop getting a mixed bouquet "now what kid? I can't walk into the museum without drawing attention".

I frown looking at her as we move to stand across the street from the museum "I could take them for you" I say nodding.

She sighs walking me across the street then hands me the flowers "go in and ask for Diana Prince make sure they understand you have to give them directly to her".

Nodding I make my way to the museum ignoring the people looking at me as I push for my blend fighting to hold it longer.

Getting in the doors I walk to the counter "excuse me, I'm supposed to give this to Diana Prince and only to her" I say lift the flowers showing the lady leaning over the counter looking at me.

She smiles nodding before picking up a phone asking her to come out.

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