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Sitting on the porch I happily draw with my new chalk Huntress got for me after I finally got her to draw with me.

Hearing a loud screech I look up confused as Huntress picks me up looking around frowning "That was tires screeching someone's driving unsafe".

I giggle pointing to a car swerving on the road, the same one I know Momma left in "Momma" I giggle pointing.

The car jumps the curb and stops on the lawn as Grace, Renee, and Canary rush out breathing heavily bending over pale.

Momma gets out looking at them chuckling "Honestly Harls you know they don't have experience with your driving".

"Wasn't that bad?" Harley says shrugging.

"You were turned around in the seat flooring it and using your leg to steer" Aunt Kitty hisses glaring at her.

Huntress laughs loudly watching them "This is why you two should be in Arkham" Renee grunts glaring at them.

"Please that place is like a run-down hotel we all go in but leave when we want," Momma says smugly.

"The staffs shit anyways, abusive and just rude come on the place is filled with mental patients and instead of hiring staff who can handle and treat them right, they hire people who are just as bad plus if we get locked up for picking fights and harassing people, why ain't Batman he is a grown man running around dressed like a bat picking fights with the mentally ill he's just as
crazy as us" Harley adds happily.

Renee nods frowning "I've tried telling people that you can't punish some people but ignore others because they do what the law should be doing themselves".

"Place should've been shut down years ago," Momma says.

Huntress puts me down and I rush to Grace tugging her shirt then lifts my arms, she picks me up and I lay my head on her shoulder closing my eyes as she scratches my head "I think you're sleepy".

I nod relaxing in her arms "How long you all staying?" Harley asks.

"We will stay a few weeks so we can say we looked, can't have them coming and taking her," Renee says calmly.

I feel myself moved to another body feeling the raised ridges I know it's Momma.

a few hours later

Waking up I rub my eye squinting at Harley as she looks threw my clothes bag "Didcha have a good nap little Red?"

I nod as she comes over and lifts me off the bed she sits me in the bathroom and I run to the potty, after I wash my hands she holds out half black and half green shorts helping me in them, then puts on a matching shirt with the colors reversed the shirt has vines shaped like diamonds.

She quickly brushes my hair and puts it up like hers in pigtails "Awe you look perfect" she coos happily, I frown when she pins a dollar to my shirt.

"Okay, Little Red if anyone asks it's your birthday".

I nod as she rushes past everyone and out the door when I'm put down she takes my hand and walks with me to a busy street with lots of shops.

I frown when we are stopped and an old man pins another dollar on me "Say thank you Pansy" Harley says happily.

Looking to the man I whisper thanks seeing him nod and move on.

"Aunt Harley, why did he do that?" I ask confused.

"Well, here strangers pin money to you on your birthday".

I nod as we keep walking getting stopped more often.

3 hours later

Being held as we walk in the house I look at my shirt that's covered in money so much you can't see my shirt anymore.

"Good job kid that's a good score," she says lifting me above her head and laughing.

"You used the kid to scam people out of money" Renee says harshly.

"Hey we need money and we don't know it's not her birthday" Harley says sounding happy.

I giggle as Aunt Harley starts taking the money off and counting it into two piles, she sigh handing one to Momma, the second she frowns at "We need to get you a wallet".

Grace sighs getting up when she comes back she tosses something to Aunt Harley.

I watch her laugh before putting the money in it holding it out to me "This is for an emergency" I nod not really understanding.

"Emergency?" I ask nervously.

"Like when you were in Gotham alone use it only for food if you have to" I nod seeing Momma sit down holding a small box she flips it open and shows me it.

"This phone can only call certain people" I watch as she makes the screen change "You have mine, Harley, Croc, Kitty, Huntress, Canary, Renee, and Grace you can call any of us if you're in trouble".

I nod sitting down as Momma teaches me how to work it.

"Are you sure Harley should be teaching her anything?" Renee says to Momma.

"Hey, I have a PHD mother fucker" Aunt Harley hollers.

"In what being a psychopath?"

"I was a certified and licensed psychologist".

"Was?" Huntress asks sounding confused.

"Yes was, they revoked my license after I broke Joker out but I still have my knowledge and understanding, plus I keep up with any breakthroughs".

"You're still a janky ass clown with bad eye makeup," Canary says laughing.

Looking up at momma I smile "ass".

"That's it everyone watch your language around her I don't need her picking up cursing yet" Momma hisses glaring at Canary "Flower don't say that word it's inappropriate, better yet don't repeat anything you hear them say".

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