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2 days later
Looking at Grace after she woke me up I groan following her out to the living room setting on the couch, I yawn looking at the tv seeing it's on the news "the viral video of Batman and two of his team members attack a little girl, well we have got the exclusive interview with the girl done by Lois Lane who is here with us this morning to discuss it" the woman with a fake happy smile says before her news partner guy starts talking about it more.

Yawning again I shake my head before focusing on the tv seeing Lois join the two people shaking their hands smiling "so tell us about this girl what's she like?" The woman asks sounding excited.

"She's not what I was expecting that's for sure I had the privilege to interact with her after the interview she's smart, funny, and kind what stood out to me most was this girl had managed to get WW and Cheetah in a room together without them fighting, but its not just them everyone knows Zatana and Raven refuse to be around each other unless it's absolutely necessary, they stood in a room together beside each other for her even Jinx was willing to put aside any difference for this, she brought together people from different sides to work together".

I frown seeing pictures from the meeting showing people who fight normally or don't get along talking and relaxed.

"That's impressive this girl has managed to convince all these people to get along even for a moment" the man says.

"Oh it's more then that I found out she is the daughter of Poison Ivy made in a lab by Woodrue himself, she asked to be called Oak for privacy reasons, she escaped after his death and made her way to Gotham with a file on herself to find her mother, who happen to be locked in Arkham the night she arrived Ivy stepped up to protect her not knowing she is her daughter"

"She's Poison Ivy's daughter?" The woman asks.

"Yes, I was allowed to read the files they had from both Woodrue and Arkham when they escaped from Arkham, there was orders to run test on Oak, the tests listed made me sick electro shock, and testing her against poisons including Scarecrow's Fear toxin and Joker laughing gas that was confiscated from them"

"Arkham wanted these test?"

"Yes but it was requested by Batman himself"

I frown seeing another photo show behind them as Lois gets up walking to the large screen pointing out things "the fact that Arkham is supposed to be a place to help people heal had order this is horrifying, it's no wonder they have no success stories the Rogues sent in come out worse each time they escape but after seeing this it makes sense".

She moves back over shaking her head "you brought videos from this gathering".

"Yes I did, all taken by Cyborg" Lois says turning to look at the screen behind her zooms in to fit the screen and shows me talking about how Arkham was when I was in it.

They talk more before showing me talk about things my family did that I thought was fun or liked once they talk about that, it shows videos of me talking to people at the meeting and even Cheetah when she got freaked out and I calmed her down.

It switches back to Lois and the news people as they talk "as you can see there she managed to calm down Cheetah, who is notorious for when she gets upset or mad but Oak was apparently taught by Harley herself on how to identify and react to emotional and mental problems".

"Wasn't her license revoked?"

"Yes, but she still has the knowledge and understanding, with just the time I had speaking to Oak it was easy to tell she's very intelligent, she has had three teachers who have PHD that help her study between her mom, Harley and Cheetah I believe she has a chance to do something amazing if given a chance"

I smile looking up at Grace who chuckles kissing my head "you're working on stealing the hearts of the world" she teases.

Nodding I look at Barbara who smiles at me "in other news Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy broken out of Arkham late last night".

Looking at the tv I watch as it shows vines wrapping around the whole place as Mom and Aunt Harley ride a vine escaping.

Getting up I grab my phone watching it in case they call "kid you need to eat breakfast" Barbara says from the kitchen.

I move to the table with my phone smiling as Grace joins us "Selina and Croc are coming up here, she's renting a hotel room but Croc plans to stay in the tunnels".

"Sekhmet?" I ask wanting to know about my kitten if they are coming.

"I called a friend of mine she's agreed to watch them while we are gone"

"Aunt Kitty says she's okay to watch them?" I ask frowning.

"Yes Selina approved of her she personally checked them out herself"

Nodding I look at Barbara seeing her smile at me before placing my food down "Thank you" I say before starting to eat.

"You're welcome and you need to take some sun time today kid"

I nod glancing at her "she's grown more while here" Grace says.

Barbara nods looking up from her food "I normally take her running with me from six to seven then we walk back here we arrive around eight, I figured with her being Ivy's daughter she's similar to a plant and needs plenty of sunlight. I've also been giving her smoothies that smell disgusting to me but she likes them they are full of fruits vegetables and protein".

Grace hums looking at me "I can see it worked, you obviously took the time to think about what she needed while in your care".

Hearing my phone ring Grace grabs it pointing at my food before putting my phone on speaker.


"Hey Ivy your on speaker" Grace says watching me.

"Hi momma, Aunt Harley" I say happily.

"Oh good you made it to her Grace and Hello Pansy we are on the way there we had to shake off Batman but for some reason he had superhero's attacking him"

"There's a video that's become one of the most talked about things of Batman, Robin and Batgirl attacking Pansy, it's made some people and heros turn on them she's been interviewed by Lois Lane who broke the story. She's currently getting on as many shows as possible to discuss Pans and how she was treated" Barbara answers.

"What exactly is going on?" Harley asks.

"Pans has flipped the world on good and evil her story has divided the world between those who agree with what Batman did and those who don't, she's got heros and villains working together WW says Arkham is about to be investigated. Many of the people involved with law enforcement including super heros, are starting classes to understand how to handle people with mental health issues all because of something Pans said to WW" Grace says.

"Whatcha say Little Red?"

"9 out of 10 villains have mental health problems most common among them is paranoia" I answer proudly.

"WW looked into it and even did a live interview addressing it she announced that she would be taking classes for care of the mentality ill, after she did that lots of law enforcement and heros signed up at least those who do support Pans did"

"Anything else we need to know?" Mom asks.

"Washington DC currently has become a popular place to visit for a glimpse of Poison Ivy's daughter she's even supposed to meet the president soon, Lois has started handling publicity control and she's always seen with multiple hero and villain guards protecting her. She's slowly becoming a household name she even met Amanda Waller who wanted her to be a spokesperson for the suicide squad, but Pans told her no she wasn't going to support something that forces anyone to walk into a situation were the chances for death are extremely high, by putting nano bombs in their neck it's rumoured that shes about to be investigated as well" Grace says laughing.

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