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Taking a deep breath I pull the letter out smelling a scent on the paper I freeze holding it out to Aunt Harley "what's the smell?" I ask.

She laughs slightly pushing it back to me cashmere and Amber perfume it's what she wears, nodding I bring it up to my nose taking a deep breath sighing happily.

"Okay as cute as your crush is read the letter" Nodding I pull it out unfolding it.

'Thank you for the picture I enjoyed it very much it if you want to send anymore I would love to get them'

I smile seeing a picture of Cheetah with my drawing in a frame in her hands taped to the bottom of my letter, pulling it off I gaps seeing a lipstick print underneath the picture in a light very pale pink color.

"She kissed it Aunt Harley" I whisper in shock, turning I shove the letter to her "she kissed my letter" I squeak while breathing heavily.

Aunt Harley laughs putting her hand on my shoulder "calm down and breathe normally no hyperventilating".

"She kisses my letter" I screech waving it in her face "she actually wrote me back and kissed my letter".

She nods putting my letter and picture back in the envelope "alright Little Red save some of that excitement for your mom, Aunt Kitty, and Grace or they will get suspicious".

Nodding I look at my letter as we head home thinking about the fact Cheetah actually wrote back and even kissed my letter.

Reach the house I scramble out putting my letter in my pocket before running in screaming happily as I run around the living room.

"What did you do?" Mom asks watching me.

"We went and got an ice cream bowl that had 12 different specialty ice creams in it" Aunt Harley says laughing.

Grace groans watching me "Harley she's going to get sick from all that".

I laugh flipping over the table like Aunt Harley taught me while cheering.

Turning I rush to my room to start another letter, after a few minutes my door opens and mom comes in shutting the door behind her.

"Pansy come here for a moment" she says smiling, shrugging I walk over to her.

Feeling her pat me down getting close to my pockets I hold my breath, she hums pulling my letter out holding it up "so this is your ice cream?"

"Your Aunt Harley can't lie to me I can always tell when she is, so are you going to tell me what this is or am I going to have to check?"

Sigh I look down scuffing my shoe on the floor "Cheetah" I mumble quietly.

She frowns pulling out the letter and picture "your Aunt Harley helped you contact her?"

Nodding I bite my lip nervously fidgeting as she reads it, she scoffs rolling her eyes "you really shouldn't contact her Pans".

"She's the pretty kitty cat lady" I whisper glancing at her.

2 weeks later

Climbing out from under the bus I glance around nervously while adjusting my bag.

It's really loud here, dusting myself off I keep my hood up hiding my appearance, I've learned to blend like mom but I can't hold it long a few moments at best if I focus, glancing around I sniff the air trying to find the scent I want.

Curling my nose at the smell of body oder, oil, and just nasty stuff I sigh looking at the groups.

Wondering around I eventually find a park with trees walking up I place my hand on it "please help me find Barbara Minerva" I whisper tensing in case Wonder Woman hears me some how and comes after me.

Seeing her running on a running path I follow the plants calling to me till I finally find the path she's on.

Sitting down I huff trying to catch my breath once I do I follow the plants again as they lead me to a cut off point reaching it I sit down waiting for her to come.

Hearing feet hitting the ground as the plants tell me she's coming, I perk up finally standing up again looking in the direction they say.

She comes running up and slides trying to stop after seeing me, I jump back flinching at seeing her slide pressing her hand to the ground once she stops.

"Are you crazy? Standing in the middle of a running path why are you even out her alone?" she says almost hissing.

Nervously fidgeting I keep my head down "was looking for you" mumble nervously.

"Who are you?" she demands raising up.

Pulling my bag around I grab my letters from her, holding them out to her she frowns snatching them from my hand looking at them.

"How did you find me here?"

I sigh pointing at a tree "they lead me here" I whisper glancing up at her.

"A tree?" She says scoffing.

Nodding I hold my hand out over the grass getting a Pansy flower to glow "how do you do that?" She asks sounding amazed.

Shrugging I slowly reach up pulling my hood back enough so she can see my face "I can't blend long" I whisper feeling it drop showing my normal face.

"What are you doing here?"

Shrugging I look around frowning "wanted see you, your the pretty lady" I whisper avoiding calling her kitty cat lady.

Hearing my phone ring I flinch slightly pulling it out, I laugh nervously seeing mom across the screen.

I groan remembering mom taught me how to use the plants to find people and how to find her threw them.

"Hello" I say trying to sound calm answering my phone.

"Washington DC, Pansy what do you think you are doing?" she demands "you better not be looking for Cheetah" she says before I can speak.

Glancing up at her I blush seeing her smile "I'm not looking for her momma" I mumble hearing Cheetah start laughing.

"Pansy Isley, you are in so much trouble, Harley, Grace I'm leaving to get Pans, who's coming?" mom says.

"Pansy you better hope Batman didn't tell the other heros about you or Wonder Woman may recognize you and give you to him" mom finishes before handing up.

Sighing I look down listening to Cheetah laughing "is your mother coming to get you?" She asks finally.

I nod refusing to look at her "I'm in trouble" I whisper.

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