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Stepping outside I stretch with Barbara before we take off jogging for her running path she's had to slow way down with me but I like running with her, since I've gotten better with my blending where it's less often I need reminded she's been letting me out longer, without all the clothes covering all of me I'm growing more I'm still smaller than most my age but I'm catching up.

Reaching the less populated area I smile speeding up slightly till we hit the path I take off as fast as possible, Barbara mentioned a runners second wind one day and it's been my goal to see what it feels like, but I haven't gotten to it I always drop completely unable to keep going when I try.

Giggling I cartwheel down the path a few times, Grace promised to meet us at the end today.

Doing another flip I start running again enjoying my time running with Barbara she explained to me why Barbara goes unnoticed by cops, I was confused why if she's unknown she can't go to the museum, she says that it's because she got fired after she lost her temper and beat someone up, when she had went in after getting out of jail she hit her boss for firing her and was told not to come back.

Coming to the turn to head back I huff feeling tired Barbara nudges me smiling "keep the pace kid" I nod trying to keep my breathing even while continuing to run.

Swaying slightly I feel Barbara pick me up while running, groaning I lean forward to lay against her, facing away from her as I lay my head on her shoulder "did good kid you'll get there one day".

I nod closing my eyes when I see spots flashing in my vision feeling the sun on my back I sigh relaxing.

Hearing Grace's voice I raise up ready to run again Barbara chuckles putting me down and I take off, slower then before but faster then a jog reaching the end, I tilt my head seeing Grace with someone I don't know talking slowing down I duck behind Barbara.

"Hi cutie" Grace says smiling at me.

"Giganta" Barbara says calmly.

Frowning I look at the red haired woman she seems weird to me I just don't know why.

Tugging Barbara's shirt lightly she looks back at me "who?" I ask nervously glancing at the woman.

"Giganta she's one of the women who fight WW a lot"

"What's she do?"

"She can change her size to be a giant last time I worked with her the bigger she got the more primitive her mind got"

Nodding I peak around to her seeing her looking around calmly "not anymore I can now keep my mind no matter how big I get".

"Why's she here?" I ask frowning.

"If Barbara had her phone on her she would have gotten the call but since she didn't, Luther has called Lois Lane inviting her to the legion of doom for an interview and wants you there, Lois is handling the heros that have been invited"

"Why's Lexie boy doing that?"

"Legion of Doom is always happy to undermine the Justice League but it seems you have become a favorite person among the Legion members and Luther is very fond of you"

Nodding I look at Grace seeing her shrug "it's up to you cutie".

Looking up to Barbara for her opinion she smiles at me "your choice kid".

"Okay I'll go but I can leave if I feel uncomfortable" I answer.

One hour later

Sitting on Luthers desk I hum kicking my feet slightly while looking around, I see Bane walking around hopping down I walk over to him "hi Bane" I say softly.

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