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"helloooooo, earth to heeseung" jungwon waves his hand in front of heeseung's eyes, who is spacing out and only thinking about one person. there's no respond so jungwon looks at the others and doesn't know what to do. sunghoon eyes over to their enemies and jungwon nods with a grin. "the jocks just pulled out their middle fingers towards us"

heeseung snaps out of his thoughts and looks back at the jocks, who seem to just mind their own business. with a frown heeseung turns back around and sees his friends look at him with eyes that are going right through his soul. "what?? that was not funny!"

"well tell us what's on your mind!" jungwon says.

"it's nothing, i was just spacing out with no thoughts running through my mind" heeseung says and his ears start to become a little bit red. jay hums and gets closer to heeseung to whisper something into his ear. heeseung immediately shakes his head and backs away. "absolutely not! i'm not crushing on anyone"

"ooohhh so that's what's happening, you're very much crushing on someone, is it... sunoo...?~" sunghoon says and heeseung's eyes widen. how did sunghoon guess that heeseung knows something about sunoo? heeseung very much denies it and says that he never talks to sunoo, even in history class but of course that's a lie. "hmm okay then because i always see you two glancing at each other but if you say so, than that's great, still gives me a chance"

"what...? do you like sunoo?" heeseung says in shock.

"i don't know but he's cute and i wanna try" sunghoon says with a grin but heeseung isn't really pleased by it. without any thoughts he slips out 'you're not even his type.' and sunghoon frowns. "and how do you know that?"

"i don't know, i just think he wants someone that doesn't get in trouble all the time. and you just sound like you wanna use him for some time and then just dump him. save that time for looking for someone you truly like." and with that heeseung leaves the table, leaving sunghoon very confused. he walks outside and goes over towards the back of the school to quickly smoke a cigarette but he senses that someone is following him. he fastens up his pace and walks to a point where he cant go further. "shit..." heeseung takes a deep breath and turns around, seeing of course his enemies, the jocks.

"well hello there heeseung, i see you don't have your army around here~ did you finally ditch them?~" yeonjun says with a smirk and comes closer to heeseung, the other surrounding him too so that he has no where to go. "you're the reason why we're all fucked. but do you really think we will let you go that easily?"

"let's please just stop this, we all don't wanna be expelled and mr.seo will arrange a meeting where we all will-" heeseung drops on his knees as yeonjun just kicked his legs. "talk... you really think i'm the reason? most of the time it's ya'll that start being annoying first"

"and you're the one always coming over to us. we just go to school here and have fun. i advice you to do the same but only focus on yourself." yeonjun signs the others and before heeseung knows it all becomes black, pain being the only thing he can feel right now. then the bell rings and they all quickly run away before they're getting caught, leaving heeseung alone at the back of the school.

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