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it's the day of the wedding and ever since sunoo step foot into the venue he's been making sure that everything is perfect. jake has been following him around to see if he can help with anything but all sunoo can say is 'no you'll ruin the perfectly placed stuff' and jake doesn't know if he feels offended or if it makes him chuckle.

jake then decides to visit his parents, who are of course getting ready in other rooms. they said it's a surprise on how they look like but of course jake sneakily looks into the rooms before heading outside. jake takes a deep breath in and out as he can take some last minutes of rest until the chaos of the wedding will begin. the combination of meeting new people and telling everyone he has a boyfriend is something that started to become more and more scary for him, even tho he's pretty confident about it. right now all he wants is to be in heeseung's arms.

he's getting so lost in his mind that he doesn't even notice that he walks pretty far from the venue. he stops walking as he hears more voices, the guests are already coming. he wants to turn around but then he notices a figure standing in front of him, a figure that he recognises.

"yeonjun...?" jake asks in confusion before the irritation starts to build up. he wants to show his anger but is way too late as yeonjun puts a cloth in front of his face. jake tries to fight back but his head starts to feel very light and before he knows everything becomes black. on the other hand yeonjun grins as he picks up and takes jake into the van.

"urgh where the heck is jake....?!" sunoo yells at himself as he walks around the guests, showing a smile here and there. right at the moment he needs jake he disappears, then by surprise he spots sunghoon and runs over to him. "you're here"

"of course babes, i wouldn't let you down" sunghoon says and wants to give sunoo a kiss but sunoo stops him. he gulps and looks around, no one seems to really look at them weird so sunghoon is confused on why sunoo stopped him. "what's wrong?"

"have you seen jake?"

"uhm i have not, i don't even know how he looks like in real life, i only know him from your pictures"

"well can you help me find him? he needs to be back as soon as possible" sunoo says and sunghoon nods, of course he'll help his boyfriend. they separate and start to look for jake again. it's getting more and more crowded so sunoo can guess that it almost time that the ceremony will start. he gets over to the entrance and sees that everyone is inside. "shit..."

"don't start without me" a person says and sunoo immediately knows who it is. in front of him he sees yeonjun standing there with a grin on his face. "gosh, now i know why you couldn't help me today so instead i invited myself into your activity"

"get the hell away from here yeonjun."

"or else what? i finally know why you and your brother both let me down" yeonjun says as he gets closer to sunoo, seeing how frustrated the other is getting. before sunoo can say anything further yeonjun grabs him and starts dragging him away to the van, putting the cloth in front of his face. sunoo's movements become less and less until he doesn't move anymore, then he gets laid down in the van, not knowing he's next to jake. "goodnight you both~"

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now