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"he's lying sir! we never attacked heeseung after the talk we had!" yeonjun yells and it's been going back and forth for the past hour. heeseung decided to still say what has happened in the past 2 months but of course they'll deny it. "why would we attack heeseung after what you have told us? we really don't wanna be expelled for 3 months!"

"but you really think i would make this up? everyone around me saw the bandaids i was wearing, i was absent for a week so why would i lie about it?!" heeseung yells and he can see the fire in yeonjun's eyes. they both know that heeseung is telling the truth but of course yeonjun doesn't want to admit that. both their friends are on the edge of their chairs to create yet another chaos but mr.seo steps in.

"okay enough boys. even if it did happen, why would you tell it now and not when it happened?" mr.seo asks and some of them roll their eyes.

"because i didn't wanna be expelled! if you knew than you would've stepped in, i don't know if it makes it better now because i have no evidence, i just wanted to say it because they're the problem and not us!"

"liar!! you guys were always the problem first!"

"but you attack us! you attacked me first!" heeseung yells and you can definitely feel that the mood has completely changed.

"okay enough boys. we came here to talk it out, not to start a new fight. i'll keep it short but powerful, as you all know, if i see any of you involved in something bad you'll be expelled for 3 months, my advice is to ignore each other and keep it professional if you see each other. this is bad for the reputation of school, bad for other students and bad for your well being so please stop this nonsense and move on. we're done now but i'll keep an eye on you all" mr.seo says and looks at them all, them hesitating to nod. he walks away and immediately when he's out of sight yeonjun grabs heeseung by his collar.

"do you wanna be dead?!"

"let me go."

"you really thought that he would believe you? if we can continue what we've been doing then i don't see a problem so you better watch out and keep your mouth shut." yeonjun says and let's heeseung go. he gestures his friends to go with him, being just on time before they would've started a fight with the others. they walk away and heeseung kicks one of the chairs.

"fucking assholes, i'm really on my own here against them! i can never win!"

"yeah because you exclude us from it!" jungwon says.

"we're a team so you don't have to do it alone" jay says.

"yeah but the problem is that their target is me now, the last times i was attacked when i was alone and not with you all, plus i rather go through it alone than with you all, i rather get expelled alone than with all of us"

"no don't say that... we dragged you in it and now you're their biggest enemy, you don't deserve what is happening to you" sunghoon says and heeseung sighs softly, saying 'it's okay, just as mr.seo says, ignore them and stay professional, we gotta start somewhere' but sunghoon is still worried. "yeah but they're up to more"

"we'll see, i got to go guys, i care a lot about ya'll so please try to stay out of it" heeseung says with a hopeful smile and leaves his friends. he gets over to the entrance of school, where he sees jake. it's luckily not that busy at school so no one could see them. "hey"

"hey there" jake says and wraps an arm around heeseung's shoulder, walking away from the entrance. heeseung melts into jake's arms and wraps an arm around jake's waist. 'this is really something i needed' and jake smiles. "was it that intense?"

"yeah... it was frustrating, i admitted everything they did to me but it didn't really help, just gotta continue ignoring them"

"gosh, if i was still going to school here i would've knocked them all out" jake says and heeseung chuckles. they keep on talking about it but soon their topic changes to something way more fun. but what they don't know is that the jocks are looking at them.

"we gotta do something with his boyfriend" yeonjun says with a grin and his friends nod.

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