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"j-jake... jake... ja-jake..." is the only thing heeseung can mumble as he walks into the hospital. he looks around but his vision isn't the best and he can't really think very good because it feels like his head is about to explode. he loses his balance but luckily someone catches him. "j-jake...?"

"no i'm danielle, mrs.mo, you're clearly not okay, should i check you?" danielle says with concern as she sees all the bruises and blood on his clothes. heeseung quickly shakes his head and looks into her eyes.

"i-i want ja-ke..."

"mr.sim??" danielle asks and heeseung nods. "he's not here on this department, did you have him while he was here last week?"


"ah okay, i can uhm take you to his department and see if he has some time, okay?" danielle asks and heeseung immediately nods. she smiles lightly and holds heeseung carefully to keep him in balance while she takes him to jake's department. as soon as they enter it feels like time is being sped up. doctors and nurses are running around, patients yelling out of anger or pain. "should i take you back...? it's too loud and busy in here"

"i n-need jak-ke..." heeseung looks around but just doesn't see jake anywhere. then suddenly jake appears out of the chaos and locks eyes with heeseung, without any thought he runs over to heeseung and looks at him with a lot of concern. "j-jake..."

"danielle, how did he come here???" jake asks and takes heeseung over from danielle.

"i found him at my department, he kept asking for you so i brought him up here to you, i hope he still fits in your tight schedule"

"i'll always make time for him, thank you for taking him here" jake says with a light smile and danielle gives a smile back before leaving them. heeseung really tries his best to not drop through his legs but it keeps on getting more difficult. "hey hey, stay with me, let's go to a room"

jake takes heeseung to a room and closes the door, luckily making the noise from outside less loud. heeseung lays down on the bed and immediately holds his stomach, suddenly all the pain coming back all at once. jake kneels down next to heeseung and firstly checks all the wounds on his face.

"it's worse than last time... the same boy again? or more?" jake asks and heeseung nods. "this really can't continue anymore, not only are you in danger of being expelled but also being beaten up so heavily that it could cost you your life" jake slowly takes heeseung's blazer off and sees all the bruises on his arms. heeseung then again wants to hold his stomach but jake stops him and slowly pulls up heeseung's shirt, seeing a big bruise. "what are their names?"

"i-i don't w-want you t-to get involved..."

"but at least knowing names would be easier, then i can keep an eye out here"

"p-please don't be b-biased... h-help them i-if they come i-in... you really c-could get into t-trouble..." heeseung says and looks at jake with tears in his eyes. it breaks jake's heart seeing heeseung like this even tho it's the second time seeing him here.

"i promise i'll help them but i also wanna help you more than this... so can you tell me their names?"

"y-yeonjun... soobin... t-taehyun... beomgyu and k-kai..." heeseung says with some hesitation but jake just smiles lightly and runs his hand through heeseung's hair. through all the pain heeseung can still feel a light lovely feeling going through his body.

"from now on you can always come to me, i'll help you with everything"

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