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partner in crime

sunoo so you just disappeared
from the earth??!! what about
our project??

heeseung i'm sorry that i
left so sudden... my mom
needed me back home for
some private stuff, i
should've told you...

sunoo oh no, is everything
okay back there???

heeseung mhm, we're going
the right direction so i'll be
back soon, then we can
work on the project

sunoo don't worry, i already
began a bit so if you can finish
it then it would be good enough

heeseung you're the best

sunoo of course!! that's what
besties are made for, speaking
about that, did you like say
something about me to your friends?

heeseung uhm... like only that
sunghoon thought that i like you...
he noticed us glancing at each other...
and i told him he's not your type...


heeseung did he do something?

sunoo he dresses differently, acts
differently, approaches me more,
helps me, he's like glued to me

heeseung oh my freaking gosh...

sunoo yeah... like there's absolutely
no need to do that because he's
perfect the way he is

heeseung wait

sunoo ...

heeseung are you
saying you like him...?

sunoo i didn't say that...

heeseung so he's your
type but not me????!!!!!!

sunoo i can't explain it,
just take it or leave

heeseung mhm yeah yeah
but please watch out with
him, he's the type to dump
you after some months,
maybe not now anymore
apparently but still, i warned
him but now i'm warning you

sunoo i have a thicker skin
than you think, he can't get
through me that easily but if
he wants to play it like that
then i'll do the same

heeseung never mention me,
i have nothing to do with this,
good luck i guess then

sunoo mhm it's gonna be fun

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now