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"please someone help!!!!" heeseung yells as he enters jake's department in the hospital. all eyes are on him and in no time around 4 doctors are around him and sunghoon who are holding jake and sunoo. "please please help jake and sunoo"

"okay can we please get two gurneys!!!" keeho yells and before heeseung knows jake and sunoo are being taken away to the ER room. heeseung and sunghoon both get over to their boyfriends in the room and the panic now starts to be more real.

"what happened?" felix asks as he starts to check jake's wound. 'u-uhm well today is their parents wedding but suddenly they were no where to be found, we tracked down his p-phone and found them in a abandoned house... looking all beat up b-but jake is worse...' heeseung says and felix hums is response. "ah damn man, wish that never would've happened"

"we'll make sure that they're both getting out of this in the best condition, take some rest okay? you must be in shock by this all" chan says and heeseung tries to respond but nothing seems to be coming out, only tears are streaming down his face.

"heeseung..." danielle says as she carefully wraps an arm around heeseung's shoulder. he looks over at her and then breaks down in her arms. "it's really gonna be okay, we promise"

"is heeseung crying..." sunoo asks as he looks over to the other room where he can see him leaning against a nurse. sunghoon sighs and holds sunoo's hand.

"it's a lot to handle for him right now..."

"i-i wish this never happened, it hurts more to see heeseung cry... to see my brother in so much pain..." sunoo says and a tear starts to stream down his face. sunghoon wipes it away and gives sunoo's hand a kiss.

"what even happened...? you two were suddenly gone and we found you in this circumstance, who did this...? because i'll get these motherfuckers for hurting the people i love."

"i-i don't remember... i'm so sorry..."

"it's okay, we'll find out eventually"

"we could do some dna testing to see if there are some matches but it can take some time" jacob says and both of them nod in response.

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now