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project J H H

jisung okay let's get
this party started😎

haewon i can't believe
that mr.park put me in
a group with you, as if
you helping me with my
last song wasn't enough

jisung and we killed
that! we're a dream
team you know

haewon yeah yeah, i
only appreciate heeseung

heeseung ey ey let me
out of this, you two
bickering 24/7 makes
me crazy and now we're
stuck to each for 4 weeks🥴

jisung damn i can feel
the love already

haewon just gotta fake
it till you make it but still
i'm sure we're gonna kill
this assignment bc we are
the top students of class

heeseung that's true,
i wonder why mr.park
put us 3 together

jisung because he
has a vision🤩

haewon and you're
delusional but a
good producer

jisung did you just
compliment me...????!!!!

haewon shut up

heeseung soooo.... when
are we gonna meet up?

haewon should we meet
up at 12 tomorrow in the
studio? we have class at 4
so we have the time to discuss

heeseung okay!!

jisung let's get ittttttt

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