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liked by kimsunoo and 7.086 others

jakesim this was so fun to do, i loved it


kimsunoo you made a bowl for LAYLA????!!!!!

jakesim @/kimsunoo yeah because she's the biggest love of my life

kimsunoo @/jakesim you see her like once a month

jakesim @/kimsunoo i'm really trying to come home more often😭

kimsunoo @/jakesim yeah yeah

nishimurariki that looks amazing!!!

jakesim @/nishimurariki thank you so much :D

bangchan ow no don't leave us

jakesim @/bangchan i won't, pottery is fun but being a doctor is more fun in some type of way

yoonkeeho can you once teach me??

jakesim @/yoonkeeho and when will our schedule ever be the same?😭

leefelix so cute🥹

jakesim @/leefelix i know right🥹

roseannepark ohhhhh, how did you come to this????

jakesim @/roseannepark my date took me here

roseannepark @/jakesim you have a date??? congrats!!!!

jakesim @/roseannepark thank you 🥰

kevinmoon @/lilyjinmorrow SEE, EVEN HE IS DATING SOMEONE

lilyjinmorrow @/kevinmoon STOP BUGGING ME

daniellemo enjoy your free day tomorrow😉

jakesim @/daniellemo ow gosh😅

jacobbae man you're dating someone before me

jakesim @/jacobbae i'm sorry WHAT, i thought you had tons of dates

jacobbae @/jakesim am i really the type??? everyone thinks that

jakesim @/jacobbae you're just such a persons person, so likeable

marklee give tips

jakesim @/marklee think, re-think, forget

marklee @/jakesim NOOOOOOOOOO

jakesim @/marklee 😒

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