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it's pretty late and heeseung is still at the studio. they need to hand in the song in 2 days and heeseung's part is still not done so he's going to pull an all nighter. he has texted jake out of pure stress for this but he hasn't responded so heeseung assumes jake is working.

he yawns and places his arms on the desk, laying his head on them. in a matter of seconds he could fall asleep but he really can't do that, first he needs to finish the song.

the door slowly opens and heeseung squints his eyes, trying to recognize the person that's about to come in. it takes some seconds but then his eyes widens as he sees jake in front of him. he gets up from his chair and gives jake a big tight hug.

"what are you doing here???"

"came to surprise you, you've been working so hard these past weeks and i'm sure you could need some support" jake says with a smile and heeseung gives him a kiss. suddenly he's more awake but that's all because jake is his motivation right now. "and i've got some questions"

"ow? what kind of questions??" heeseung asks with a little bit of worry in his voice.

"well first of all, would you like to join me next month at my parents wedding??" jake asks and heeseung's mouth falls open. he thinks about it for a bit but then agrees to it, 'i would love to join you' and jake smiles. "i'm glad, then my second question is... dear heeseung, do you wanna be my boyfriend...?"

heeseung doesn't think twice and nods his head enthusiastically, butterflies going around in his stomach. he leans in and kisses jake softly. they couldn't be more happy right now.

"we gotta make sure that jake doesn't attend the wedding." yeonjun whispers as he walks back over to his friends. they've been keeping an eye on heeseung lately and waited until jake finally would show up and today was luckily that day. "we will show him that if you mess with us, we'll mess with you~"

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