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"so? are you free this weekend?" sunghoon asks but sunoo doesn't seem to reply to him, he's only glued to his phone. sunghoon rolls his eyes and takes sunoo's phone from him, getting a respond 'what the fuck sunghoon??!!' and all sunghoon can do is scoff. "now you can talk."

"ow come on! give me my phone back!" sunoo says and tries to reach for his phone but sunghoon is holding it up to high for him to reach it. "this is really not funny"

"you think this isn't funny? the last couple of days you've only been spending time on your phone when you're with me, is it that boy who picked you up some weeks ago? am i really that boring?" sunghoon says and sunoo can't believe what he just heard.

"have you been spying on me?" sunoo asks and sunghoon says 'i just saw you two randomly', it makes sunoo chuckle because does sunghoon really think he has something with his step brother? "well i don't know if you remember but i said i have a step brother and he's picking me up, i also told you my dad and stepmom are getting married so i'm helping them with arranging the wedding and gosh no you're not boring"

sunghoon falls completely silent and wants to disappear from the earth. how did he even end up not trusting sunoo? he never had this before that he got so jealous of the thought of his partner having someone else. so sunoo really is the first person that sunghoon truly likes.

"i uhm... sorry i don't know why i did that... why i'm thinking like that..." sunghoon says and gives sunoo his phone back. he gulps and wants to continue walking but sunoo pulls him back, their noses softly touching. before sunghoon knows he feels a pair of soft lips on his, he's had many kisses before but not a kiss like this that can absolutely make him melt. he kisses back and cups sunoo's face. after some seconds they back away and all they can do is smile.

"i really like you sunghoon"

"i really like you too sunoo" sunghoon says and kisses sunoo again.

also at that moment jake arrived at school and gets over to the place where sunoo and sunghoon are. as he wants to walk around the corner he sees a group of boys kind off spying on someone. as he takes a closer look he sees it are the jocks and that they're looking at sunoo and sunghoon. immediately he starts to get frustrated but he doesn't want to start a fight, at least not now. he walks past them but he stops as he hears one of them speak to him.

"ow you're here again, looking for your beloved boyfriend heeseung?~" yeonjun teases and jake rolls his eyes.

"i am not and it's really not nice to stick your nose in someone else's business so leave us and especially now sunoo and sunghoon alone" jake says and yeonjun rolls his eyes a little bit but just decides to walk away with his friends because he's already annoyed. "assholes..."

"hmm what?" jake turns around and sees sunoo standing in front of him. "what were you doing?"

"ow nothing, i bumped into some guys and apologised" jake lies and sunoo just goes with it. "let's go now"

𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now