Chapter 4 (Grandpa died)

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When I and Linn met the other boys in the band became Linn in love with Harry and Harry fell in love with Linn. Me and Linn would actually been home in Sweden now but since this had happened so I and Linn moved home to Louis and Harry in their house.

* a month later *

It was morning and we were in bed. I felt strong arms around me, I moved a bit to see if he was awake.

- Good morning darling, ‘said Louis

- Good morning, I replied.

He kissed me on my head and I turned around. He kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. After a little while I got up to take a shower and when I passed by Linn’s and Harry’s bedroom, and then I heard a little laugh. I continued going to the shower. When I had gone out of the shower and put on my sweatpants and a tank top when Louis came in and stood behind me and put his arms around my waist and started kissing my neck tenderly. I turned around and we started kissing harder. After a while we stopped and I went down and started with breakfast and Louis takes a shower. I stood at the stove to fry eggs and bacon. Louis came downstairs to the kitchen just when I was finished and we started eating. Linn and Harry came down to eat when we were finished. Me and Louis watched as Linn and Harry ate. We talked about what we would do today.

- Me and Harry and the other guys are going to an interview and you’re not coming, ‘said Louis.

- Okay, but it does not then I and Linn little personal time, I said.

After Harry had finished eating, the doorbell rang. I opened and there stood Zayn.

- Hello Celina, the guys ready?, He said.

- Hey Zayn, yes they are, I replied.

Louis, Harry and Linn came to the door. Louis kissed me on the mouth and Harry kissed Linn on the cheek and then they went to their interview. Me and Linn decided that we would have a girl day together as we used to have a month ago. We used to always go to the mall and shop a lot of clothes and afterwards we always watch a movie but we decided that we would do tonight with Harry and Louis.

When we had changed and fixed us finished we went down to the hall and put on our shoes, and I took the key to my and Louis car. We went out and sat in the car, I started it and the radio was off and on the radio played “Kiss You”. Me and Linn began singing as we used to do when there was a song on the radio that we recognize. We sang all the way to the mall. Once we had parked the car, we went into the mall and into the “Victoria Secret” we bought some body splash and some lingerie, then we went into a popular clothing store in the mall and found some clothes for ourselves, then we went over to Mr. clothes and there I found a pair of colorful pants to Louis and a white t-shirt to him. Linn bought a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to Harry. Then we went and paid, and then we went to the cafe and took a respective coffee and a respective cupecake. When we were finished, we decided to go home.

When we got inside the door was already Louis and Harry at home. We put all the bags in the hall and took off our shoes. Harry and Louis heard us and came over to us. Louis kissed me on the cheek and helped me with the bags up to our room. I took out the bag with the clothes I had bought for him and handed it to him, he took to it.

- You did not have to buy anything to me because I already have something that is worth more than clothes, he said.

- What is more important than clothes? I asked.

- You, he said

I went up to him and hugged him tightly and kissed him on the mouth, he kissed back and then I took out the clothes that I had bought.

-Thanks they're really nice, ‘said Louis

- Ur welcome, I said back.

He kissed me on the mouth, then we went into the living room hand in hand. Linn and Harry already sat and watched TV when we came down. We sat on the couch and I crawled up in Louis’s arms. Harry asked if we would order Chinese food. We did, and Louis and Harry went and fetched it. When they came back, we sat at the table and ate. We started talking about tomorrow and we decided that we would go on a double date. When we had finished eating, we sat on the couch and Louis put his arm around me and I crawled up on his lap. We put on a movie that everyone wanted to see.

When half of the movie had plenty so began my cell phone to call, the screen said “Mom,” I answered and heard that something had happened to her voice. I got up off the couch and looked at Louis, he looked bewildered but did not follow me when I went up to our room. I sat on the bed and listened to what mom said.

- Grandpa has died and you need to come home, she said in a crying voice.

- What, I said.

I started crying and could hardly not talk. I told my mother that I would look for a plane ticket home tomorrow. Then I added up the phone and started crying even more. Louis came in and sat down next to me and took his arm around me.

- What has happened? he asked.

- My grandfather has died, I said.

- Ohh baby.

He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. After a while I went into the bathroom to wash off the make-up and brush mine teeth. Louis went down to Harry and Linn he told me what had happened and they were shocked.

- Where is she? Asked Linn.

- She is in the bathroom, said Louis

Linn went upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door I opened and she walked over and hugged me hard I started crying more. After a while I  said that I had to go back to Sweden. She understood why, and then I went and put me in bed. Louis came in after 10 minutes and lay down beside me in the bed, he put his arms around me.

- I must go home, ‘I said.

- I can follow along if you like, he asked.

- It’s probably best I go myself, I said

He did not answer, and I turned around and kissed him on the mouth then I fell asleep in his arms.

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