791 19 1

Kamari Anne Davis

Today I met a girl named Ayanna and all I can say is I think im in love..

She probably just wants to be friends but I hope we can be more than that. I got her number today so i decided to text her
Hey pretty
Ayanna💕: wait sorry whos this?
Kamri😚: Its Kamari
Ayanna💕: Oh hey love wyd
Kamari: oh nothing much i just wanted to ask if you wanted to call?
Ayanna💕: Ofc i would

*Incoming call from Ayanna💕*
Ngl before i answered i was nervous asf but ion got nun to worry bout.
"Heyy yana"
"Hey boo" she said like she was excited to talk to me which made me kinda happy.
"So do you want to go somewhere with me after school tmmr?
i asked hoping she would say yes
"yea sure what did you have in mind?"
"Well since you said you was new round here maybe i got show you all the fun places oou like the arcade or something"
"Ouu that sounds fun im down "
we talked for a little longer until there was a moment of silence, i had just been thinking about how im gonna tell her i liked her. I was interrupted out of my thoughts cuz sum1 was calling my name
"Kamariiiii" she dragged my name whining a lil bit they way she says my name js does something to me.
" Yes love"
"I called ur name like two times whats on ya mind?
"oh sorry i-its nothing important" i shrugged it off just so she wouldn't continue to question me.
"Ima see ya at school tomorrow bye"
I waved hanging up before she could say bye back. I dont know why im like this cause now i feel bad but im just going to head to bed
Ayanna's pov
Kamari was acting really strange and then all of a sudden she hung up on me for no reason. Maybe she didnt like me, i kept saying to myself. I know i like her a lot but i just cant tell her.
*𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲*

Ayanna's pov
I walked into school scrolling looking for the perfect playlist , also figuring out if i should tell kamari or not before i could come up with an idea i heard my name.
"Ayannaaa..hello.?!", a lightskin girl said to me. She was actually really pretty nice teeth clear skin etc.
"Uhh hi?", in my defense i didn't remember her name hoping she would tell me.
"Its Niyah", she said laughing a little.
" Oh right sorry hey niyah wsp"
"Nothing but im tryna get to know you, make you my girl typeshi" she said.
I started thinking, why would this girl even wanna talk to me frl this probably just a dare or something plus .. i like someone else.
After a long moment of silence i finally answered.
" Im sorry but im not really interested but we can still be friends tho."
I could tell by the look on her face that she was embarrassed which made me feel bad.

"Why you not interested huh? You think yo ass too good for me or something you must be high or some shit."
she started pushing me back over and over with more force each time, then i felt a punch on my face. i grabbed the side of my face wincing in pain.

"Okay cause now you messing with the wrong bitch".
I threw a punch at her to her nose stomach and side of her face. Since this bitch wanna play, now i was on top of her just throwing punches till i felt someone drag me away from her. Im not sure who it was.
"Ayanna what the fuck are you doing", i heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and it was kamari.
Part of me was excited i get to see her but the other half was embarrassed. I decided to stay silent.

I obviously got sent to the office for this i was sitting on one side while Niyah was sitting all the way on the other side with an ice pack to her face. I didn't realize how bad i messed her up but thats what she gets, as i was examining her face she slowly looked at me.

"what the hell you looking at?, she asked me with an attitude i guesa shes allowed to have one.

" You who fucking else bitch?"

" You dont know who you messing with", she said confidently.
I busted out laughing this girl is so delusional.
" Baby i think you needa remember who got there ass beat BADLY", i said.
Niyah just side eyed me the rest of the time.
"Ok girls so you will both be suspended for the rest of the week im very disappointed, especially in you Ayanna i expect better from you, being new to the school and all. Niyah* sigh* im not even gonna say i wouldn't expect it but do better BOTH OF YOU".
I left the principals office and my mom was outside waiting for
me as i was walking to my car Kamari stopped me.
"AYANNA Ayanna" she yelled while trying to chase me down.
" Yes kamari?"
"Where are you going first of all and are you going to tell me what happened?" she asked concerned.
" I'll tell you later i promise", it was kinda nice that she was concerned about me we havent known each other for long but i decided to give her a hug.
Kamaris pov
I was worried that Ayanna was going to be expelled from school cause she really fucked that girl up
after i found her outside we hugged.
It wasn't a normal hug, It was kinda like ill miss you type hug i can't explain it.
But after that she got in her car and left and so did i.
There was nothing else to do at school anyway so whatever.

I just realized Ayanna probably cant meet with me after school but I understand why.
My gf can fight i thought to myself
"Okay period", i accidentally said out loud getting weird looks from people who were also walking home.

authors note
I feel like it needed a little drama in there so ima work on that in the next few chapters.😌💋💋

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