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Kamari Anne Davis

As i was walking back to my seat I glanced at Yana and it looked as if she was about to cry i didn't really care so I just put my head down and went to sleep.

Ayanna's Pov

I was trying my best not to cry, I hated crying in public its just so embarrassing.
But why would she do this to me i thought we had something good going for us.
I saw her look at me and she didn't even seem to care.
"Ay ma what's wrong?" Niyah asked me.
Normally i would have cussed her ass out but I didn't feel like fighting right now.
"Nothing". i said sniffling.
She rubbed my back and gave me a hug at first I was tense because this is wrong but yet..it feels so right.
I pulled away quickly."I shouldn't be doing this."
"What do you mean? You lil shi not gon find out they probably dont even like you anyway so why does it matter" Niyah said shrugging her shoulders.

I don't know why but that stuck with me maybe Kamari really didn't like me considering she kissed that nigga. Im not sure what to do I need to think about this.

"You down to come to my house after school?" Niyah asked.
I immediately said yes without thinking about what she said.
I guess i thought about it enough..

Kamari's Pov
I was woken by the bell and started walking to my next class which was PE I was kinda glad Ayanna didn't have this class so i would be at peace.
Coach said we wouldn't have to do anything today so I just took my stuff and went to the bathroom.

I walked into the big stall and put my stuff down getting ready for another smoke sesh. Everything was fine until about 5 minutes later someone walked in.
I rushed and quickly put my stuff away and ran water over the blunt.
It sounded like they were crying i didn't want to say anything but...im nosey.
"Yo you good?" i said.
There was a long moment of silence.
"Mhm", a girl hummed.
I know that hum from anywhere
It was Yana.
"Yana come out the bathroom please."
I said trying to figure out whats wrong not gonna lie not talking to her all day was killing me.
She came out the stall eyes filled with tears.
I just stared at her for a second and she turned around and started crying again.
"Hey hey what's wrongs?"
I asked genuinely concerned on why she was crying.
"nothing its nothing."
"Baby don't lie to me i know somethings wrong so just tell me."
"You cant call me that no more."
"What are you talking about?"I asked confused as hell.
"I saw what happened Mari. And dont try to lie i know you kissed that nigga." I stared at her with a confused face till i realized what she was talking about.
"Wait so that's what your crying?"
"Ofc thats why im crying Kamari." she said with an attitude.
"Can I atleast get a chance to explain myself because i know it looks bad but i swear its not what you think."
"Go ahead." she said in Agreement.
"So lastnight i was putting my phone down to go to sleep and a random number texted me saying they know "my secret " and I was so confused because only you know and 2 of my other old friends."
"Wait whats your secret??"
"That im lesbian duhh", i said giving her a stank face.
"Anyways They said they would see me at school tomorrow and it actually was the guy that you saw he said that me and you wouldn't last and that he's finna make me his bitch." i explained to her.
"What do you mean wont last no one knows we messing with each other right? Cuz i ain't tell nobody did you?"
"No Ayanna is didn't tell anybody." i said rolling my eyes her ass acting like she tryna keep me a secret i shoulda never fucked wit her ass.

"So you gon explain to me why you walked outta class and was taking so long hm?"
i looked at her with a are you stupid typa face.
"why you looking at me like that?"
"Cuz yo ass just be blowing me i seen you rubbing up on that bitch last class you think im stupid." I grabbed my stuff and walked out the bathroom.
"Ay where you going bruh." she said following me.
She grabbed my shoulder and tried to spin me around so i pushed her and she hit the wall.
"Man what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"YOU your what's wrong with me you got me fucked up thinking that im yo little play toy or some shit im not finna put up with yo bs. I don't care what you did in yo hometown but we don't do it here ight? So either straighten up or im off you real shit." i said walking away putting my headphones back on.
Maybe I was a little too harsh but she don't know how to respect a bitch i don't play like that.

Ayanna's Pov
So...Kamari just yelled at me and honestly shes right i haven't been respecting her at all and now i need to make it up to her.
I went to the office and told them i was feeling "sick".
"Ok Ayanna I called your mom she said she will pick you up in about 10 minutes. Do you need anything?" the nurse asked nicely.
"Can i have a water please."
She gave me the water and i sat down waiting for my mom to come get me.
*10 minutes later*
"Hey honey whats wrong?"My mom asked.
"Im feeling sick." I said lying right in her face.

We walked to my car and started driving home.
"Yes honey?"
"I lied..."
"What do you mean you lied", she said trying to focus on the road.
"I don't actually feel sick but I need to ask you something."
"Uhm ok go ahead."
"Well can..youtakemetothestoretogetsomethingformycrush." I said as quickly as possible.
"Crush? Ok i dont like the fact that you lied about being sick but since i love you we will go."
"So whats this boys name?" she said looking at me throw the rear view mirror.
"Mom i also have something else to tell you.."

authors note
Is she actually finna tell her mom? Lets seee😛😣

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