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Ayanna Laniya Smith

"Mom i also have something else to tell you..."
"Go ahead love"
Should I really tell her im lesbian what if she judges me or worse kicks me out. Oh hell no nevermind.
"Your too nosey you cant know their name yet", i said playfully rolling my eyes trying to move on from the awkward silence.

We got to the store and my idea was to make her a gift basket so i need snack candy a blanket socks lipgloss etc.

We got to the store and my idea was to make her a gift basket so i need snack candy a blanket socks lipgloss etc

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like this.
I bought all the stuff i needed for the gift basket and headed back to the car.

"Well damn thats a lot of stuff, yo crush is lucky" My mom said almost yelling.

"Yea im excited to give it to them."

"So when you gonna invite your friend over again Kamari was it?"

"Yea uhm I guess i can invite her over tomorrow or something."

"Ok ok cool lets head home."

I was so excited to see what she would think of the basket  but i have to find a way to surprise her.

Kamari's Pov

School was finally over I was so ready to go home honestly.
I walked out the school and was heading home till someone stopped me.
"Ay Kamari do you know where Ayanna at?" Niyah asked me.

Here this bitch go, i swear to god im holding back from slapping the shit outta her.
"Why you asking me?" I mugged her.

"Because yall are friends so i thought you would known but nevermind."

"Is that what she said?"

"Why you asking?...Ohh so you the little shit she must be talking bout. I think its too late cuz she coming over later so sorry." She walked away shrugging.

Today is absolutely the worst day ever I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

I went straight home after that interaction when i was closer to my house i saw someone talking to my mom.
Is that Omarion?
"Have a nice day Ms. Davis" He said leaving my front porch.
"Yo whatchu doing at my crib?"
"Secrets out" he said shrugging and walking away.

Great just fucking great this day couldn't get any worse.
I walked into my house scared for my life. Who knows what my mom is going to do she might kick me out beat my ass switch me to another school,theres so many options.
"Kamari come here please." my mom said from the living room.

My heart dropped to my ass. Ive never been this scared in my life.

I sat down all the way on the other side of the couch staring at my mom.

"So a young man came by telling me that your "lesbian" is this true?"
I sat there and fiddled with my fingers and just nodded my head.

"Kamari look at me and say it." she said in a stern voice.
"Yes mom its true."

"Why didnt you just tell me?"

"Wait what?"

"I dont care what you are I will still love you for who you are."
I dont know why buy i started crying. Ive been hiding this from her for a long time because I was scared to be judged.
She reached in to give me a hug.
"Sweetie why are you crying?" she asked hugging me tighter.
"Because today has gone so bad and i thought this would've just been the cherry on top. How am I supposed to tell dad?"
"You don't have to tell him neither will I, its your decision you can tell him when your ready okay?"
I nodded my head in response and i heard the doorbell ring.
"ill get it" My mom said getting up to answer the door.
"Mari its for you." she shouted.

"For me why would it be for..."
Then i saw who it was..Ayanna.
I just stared at her for a good five seconds.

"Im gonna let you two talk seems like somethings going on." My mom said walking away.

"Hey.." she said lowly.
"Hey." i said back with no enthusiasm.
"Are you okay it looks like you've been crying.
"Why do you care aint you supposed to be at Niyahs house." i said with attitude.
To be honest i don't even want to talk to her right now.
"Oh you heard..."
"Mhm" i hummed getting ready to close the door in her face.
"Wait Mari I know you probably dont want to talk to me because what I did to you wasn't right and i know that. But I got you something.."
She pulled something from behind the pillar it looked like a poster and a basket.

It said"Will you be my girlfriend" And the basket had all my favorite snacks and more.

I started tearing up again.

"Oh baby dont cry" she said pulling me into a hug.

"Ill be your girlfriend Yana." i said sniffling.
"Yes really" i said smiling at her.
Id say we kissed about 5 times after that.
"On one condition. You stop playing in my face and block or fight any bitch that tries to get at you" i said playfully rolling my eyes.

Ayanna laughs." Ok i agree but same applies to you."

Ayannas Pov

Mari said yes to being my girlfriend and i was so happy.
My phone started ringing and it was my mom. So i answered
"Hey Mom"
"Hey honey where are you?"
"I was walking around and came to Kamaris house. Why?"
"Oh you should invite her over then. You know you gotta keep friendships going."
"Ughh fine mom i will, see you soon."
I said hanging up.
"What happened you look annoyed" Mari said concerned.

"My mom asked if you want to come over. She said i need to keep my "friendships" going."
i said shrugging.
"Ouu sure ill come over only if you want." she said smiling at me.
"Your so cute when you smile." i said and i guess i made her nervous.
"Go pack a bag baby so we could go. Ou also can i say bye to your mom?" I asked.
"Of course you can it would be rude not to."
I walked into her house and had small talk with her mom for a second.
authors note.
Im kinda getting bored with this do yall think it needs some drama or sum.
Pls lmk🙏🏾

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